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Interceping and Editing packets on Games.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:06 am
by wolfguardiann
well , hi seth im bak again , i sucefully made hacks and shit :)

But , now , the onlnie games are harder , the only way ( if the codes arent in the loader of the game or w/e ) is that the games is using MOST now the Packet form.

u must be now like " wth he saying?"

im saying that the games nowdays(onlnie , via pc )ganes, are using the Packet method.
If u pick an random online game like , idk , MW2 for example , and try editing yr level by using a memory hacker, firstly u will fail , second ull get a really good ban.

So my question is, do u know some packet interceptor(software or w/e) that can receive/intercept and edit packets in-game?
i saw that proxocket and wireshark thing , but i didnt know what i gotta do , it tnercepts the packets but dont edit them, do u know some software that can intercept AND edit packets? cuz , i seriously didnt knew what i do with that "Proxocket" its a dll , ok , the tut says to put it it game folder an bla bla, i putted it , it intercepted everything ok but , the main thing is o edit the packets, got it ? so , what can u do for me ? i know ur the master on this , thats why im asking for help to u and to not any other forum,site or w/e ( i swear to my ass!)

tyvm for helping, happy hacking!!!

EDIT : And if u have some tut vids , i would love too!!

Re: Interceping and Editing packets on Games.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:07 pm
by Sethioz
use wiki, thats what its there for. wireshark is not intercetping proxy, its packet sniffer.

intercept = it intercepts the packet before it gets to its destination, gives you ability to edit it and then send it where it was suppouse to go.

Intercepting Proxies < read this article.

Re: Interceping and Editing packets on Games.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:08 pm
by wolfguardiann
cool , but , like in a game , when u send a package that u have for example 10 gold coins , andu use the memory editor to turn it into 100, its only visual , thati know , means its server side thing/controled by server, if i intercept the package that the game send me thati have 10 gold coinds and edit this package and send it back saying i have 100 gold coins, it will work , cool, but , if the packages are encrypted? i tryed using tthe WPE pro , it sniffed all the packages thati wanted but , some came with " ......" some came with "@bl@special@(59%)"

This package -> "@bl@special@(59%)" holds the information on my special attack percentage, itryed to edit and resend , the game acctually disconnected me , like, idk...

do u have some unecrypter program? so i can unecrypt those " ........." packages? if yes , i would love!

PS: Im reading the guide u sent , tyvm for it btw, as soon sa u asnwer , ill take a instant look. tyvm till now!!!

EDIT: the proxocket only sniff the packages , but it doesnt let u edit them ( or i atlest dont know how) if u can edit , can u gimme a link or a tutorial on how to edit them?

Re: Interceping and Editing packets on Games.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:18 pm
by Sethioz
uh you need to do some BASICS on computer. its PACKET not package. package is what is wrapped around your food when you buy it from shop.
do you really think that packet actually says "you have 50% of special power" ? its all values and this is how it looks like in ASCii
you must look at the HEX, not ASCii part.

all this has been explained on my wiki. i told you to read it.
did you even read the article ? you say yes, but then you ask another stupid question which is EXPLAINED in the article i sent you and you said "i read it" obviously you did not read it.
there are detailed tutorials on how to intercept packets with proxocket.

its DECRYPT not unencrypt. as said before, they might not be encrypted at all. you must go to basics of computing and learn what packet is and how it works.
it might be packed / compressed, it might not be encrypted at all or it might be encrypted.
there is no universal tool lol. you think that every game company uses same encryption key ?? you must debug the game and find the decryption key and maybe then you can use wireshark to decrypt them.

Re: Interceping and Editing packets on Games.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:54 pm
by wolfguardiann
yes , while using the WPE pro , i know that the hex part is the usefull one , but , its hard acctually, hard to see something there , i dotn have a hex editor and so then im confused...

yh i read all yr guides , but , it just show diferent on each game ( like u said) thats why sometimes i talk "shit" or w/e . the game doesnt seems to have an encrpytion, but , it just dont send the need packages thati want ... i dont send packageso n getting xp , getting money , and everything else, just the "special attack" like i said before...
i seriously odont know what to do , i used it on msn , workedwell , but , on games that packets are encrypted , its hard to see some shit there..

Re: Interceping and Editing packets on Games.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:01 pm
by Sethioz
do a simple test.

lets say you have 52 of something. record a packet. or better yet, record more than 1 packet.
increase or decrease that something. to like 54. record few packets again
make sure not to mix them up.
now make proxoket to replace 54 with 52. go in game and test.

if you want to make sure that filter is working, you can use ANY program that communicates. like msn, skype, chatroom ..etc.
you simply send the ASCii of the 54 and see if it turns into 52.

this is simple and short version. obviously there is no 52 and 54, its gonna be a lot longer data string.

Re: Interceping and Editing packets on Games.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:37 pm
by wolfguardiann
yh , i did that , and it still appearring on every packet " .........................."

i tryed msn menssage and worked well , but ,on games it doesnt work , its encrypted , i said... so , how do i bypass this encryption? do u have something?

Re: Interceping and Editing packets on Games.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:46 pm
by Sethioz
............. is not encryption. you think that when packet is encrypted, then it magically has value of .............. ?
it doesnt work that way.
and you think that i can magically just decrypt anything ? i dont know what game it is, i have no examples, i got nothing. no details.
it isnt magic where you pull rabbits out of hat.

topic title says "interceping and editing packets on games" this has nothing to with what you asking, get your titles straight.
and its INTERCEPT not intercep. open new topic with a GAME NAME in title followed by "hacking" "editing" .. or whatever suits it best.
dont say how to intercept packets if it isnt about that only.

pay attention to what you write !

since its going way too offtopic and everything have already been explain on how to intercept and edit packets ..