Unlock Sony Ericsson phones - W880/W880i

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Unlock Sony Ericsson phones - W880/W880i

Post by Sethioz »

after weeks of searching, i have finally sucessfully unlocked my W880i Sony Ericsson phone.
if you have issues, like me, then try this tutorial. i have tested it and it works 100%. other RETARDS write some blablabla which never works.
if you run into any problems, post here. i have gone thru it and i know exactly how to do this now. because this tutorial is a bit messy.

Everything is included in a big .rar file. it is not sorted out properly, but it is enought to unlock W880 or W880i phone.


DOWNLOAD - unlock package - includes all necessary files for W880. CID 52 red firmware, unbranded. and custom pack, which works with other phones too. america, europe ..etc. check it out.


NOTE: i will not rewrite whole thing, i copied this tutorial from some dumb forum and updated it with details. so i have not written the whole thing.


How to connect the phone to flashing/patching tools:
First of all fully charge your battery, because you cant charge your battery if something goes wrong. if you are genius (like me, Sethioz) you can use any power source to charge the battery, like a small AAA/AA usb battery charger, but in any case, you should charge the battery first.

I. Install USB Flash driver:
If you never modded your phone, then probably you don't have the USB Flash driver, what is required to be able to communicate with phone. So install the driver. try googling for > "USB Flash Driver Installation - Guide" or "usb flash driver" or "usb flash driver for sony ericsson". if you cant find, reply to this post and i will sort you out.

NOTE: on some computers (like my primary pc). this driver WILL crash your pc completely and you need to restart. if this happens, you must use safe-mode to install the driver. to get xp to safe mode, keep pressing F8 key while booting up. if this doesnt work, restart, wait while windows starts loading and then unplug power cable (if you have UPS, then it doesnt work). then plug it back in and boot pc up, it will say that windows did not start properly and gives you the option to select safe mode.

II. Connect the phone to SETool2 Lite(or any other flasher tool):
Click on button what you need/guide says(Identify, Read GDFS, etc.)...
When SETool2 Lite says to press the C key and connect the cable you need to:
NOTE: phones like W880i use C button as on/off button, in that case C will not work. you must hold down "2" when tool says press C. remember that. if 2 does not work, use 2+5 keys. (hold down both while connecting cable)

1. Turn off the phone(if it was turned on)
2. Remove the battery, wait a few seconds(2-3 seconds is enough) and put it back, but DO NOT turn the phone on
3. Press and hold the C (or 2 or 2+5) key on phone and connect the DCU-60 cable(data cable which you use to connect your phone to USB).
4. When you see some progress on SETool2 Lite status window(on left side) release the C key.

What is your phone's platform and EROM CID?
If you don't know what is your phone's platform(DB2010, DB2020 etc.) and EROM CID, then read this: General Information about Patch-Unlocking (start here if you want to unlock)

A. How to apply the generated patches to DB2010 CID49 phones:

IMPORTANT: First you need backup the GDFS. If something goes wrong you can unbrick your phone with this backup. Here is how to do:
Open SETool2 Lite v1.08 or v1.11.
1. Select your phone model.
2. Click on Read GDFS button.
3. Follow the instructions given by SETool2 Lite.
4. You will get a gdfs_[yourIMEI].bin file in SETool2 Lite folder. Put it to a safe place.

I. We need to generate an unlock patch.
Run SIMLockPatchGen.exe, select the MAIN firmware (what match your phone firmware) by clicking on ... (three dots) button, then press the Make patch button. In status window you will get the path to the generated vkp file(e.g. "D:\...\SIMLockPatchGen\vkp\Remove_SIM_lock_XXX_XX XXXXX.vkp" patch file created.) Do not close the SIMLockPatchGen yet, because you may need it in next step.

II. Make sure you have the required rest(oration) file, otherwise your phone will not turn on after applied the patch.
With SETool2 Lite:
1. Select your phone model.
2. Click on Identify button.
3. If in left status window you see the RESTORATION FILE NOT PRESENT line, then follow the next step, otherwise jump to III.
4. So, no rest file for your firmware. It's time to make one. Start a command prompt(Start menu->Run, type cmd and press Enter).
5. In command prompt call the ssw2rest.exe like:

[SeToolLiteFolder]\make_rest\ssw2rest MAIN_firmware address

- MAIN_firmware is the MAIN firmware with full path that you used to generate the unlock patch
- address is the base address of MAIN firmware. You can get this address from SIMLockPatchGen's status window(ex. Base address: 44140000).
The rest file will be placed aside ssw2rest.exe. Copy the generated rest file to [SeToolLiteFolder]\rest\ folder.
Here is an example how to call the ssw2rest tool:

D:\SETool2Lite\make_rest\ssw2rest "D:\firmwares\W810\W810xxx.mbn" 44140000

III. We will apply the generated patch to unlock the phone.
With SETool2 Lite:
1. Select your phone model.
2. Click on ... (three dots) button near MISC files box, and select the vkp file generated by SIMLockPatchGen.
3. Click Write SCRIPT button
4. Follow the instructions in left status window...
5. When a dialog pop-up, click "Yes" to remove the patch. Click "No" to add the patch. In this case click on "No" button.

Wait until "ELAPSED x SECONDS" appears in status window. Your phone is unlocked.

B. How to apply the generated patches to DB2020 CID52 phones:

IMPORTANT: First you need backup the GDFS. If something goes wrong you can unbrick your phone with this backup. Here is how to do:
Open SETool2 Lite v1.11.
1. Select your phone model.
2. Click on Read GDFS button.
3. Follow the instructions given by SETool2 Lite.
4. You will get a gdfs_[yourIMEI].bin file in SETool2 Lite folder. Put it to a safe place.

I. We will apply the quick access patch to phone. It is needed to be able to use the quick access method in future. Due to this great patch you can easily apply the further patches, just like to DB2010 CID 49 phones.

With SETool2 Lite v1.11.
1. Select your phone model.
2. In Windows Explorer drag (Windows drag and drop operation) the MAIN firmware (*.mbn) onto [SETool2 Lite v1.11 folder]\qamaker\qamaker.exe's icon. In the qamaker's folder you will get a quick_access_XXXX_XXXXXXX.vkp file.
3. Click on ... (three dots) button near MISC files box, and select the vkp file generated in step 2.
4. Tick Bypass DB2020 security check box.
5. Click on Add button and select the MAIN firmware file.
6. Press FLASH button.
7. Follow the instructions given by SETool2 Lite.
8. When windows pops up saying:

Code: Select all

Yes to remove the patch. No to add the patch.

or something similiar, choose NO

Note: After pressed the FLASH button, at one moment you will believe that nothing happens and the status windows is not changing! DO NOT remove the CABLE! Wait until "ELAPSED x SECONDS" appears in status window.
This process will take some time, about 10-15 minutes or a little more...

II. Now we need to generate an unlock patch.
Run SIMLockPatchGen.exe, select that MAIN firmware (used earlier) by clicking on ... (three dots) button, then press the Make patch button. In status window you will get the path to the generated vkp file(e.g. "D:\...\SIMLockPatchGen\vkp\Remove_SIM_lock_XXX_XX XXXXX.vkp" patch file created.) Close the SIMLockPatchGen.

III. We will apply the generated patch to unlock the phone.
With SETool2 Lite v1.11:
1. Click on Clear button.
2. Select your phone model.
3. Tick Use "quick access" patch checkbox
4. Uncheck(remove the tick from) Bypass DB2020 security check box.
5. Click on ... (three dots) button near MISC files box, and select the vkp file generated by SIMLockPatchGen.
6. Click Write SCRIPT button
7. Follow the instructions in left status window...
8. When a dialog pop-up, click "Yes" to remove the patch. Click "No" to add the patch. In this case click on "No" button.

Wait until "ELAPSED x SECONDS" appears in status window. read what it says.
your phone is unlocked, but it will not work without custom pack. it will give you error like this:

confiugaration error. please contact your network operator or service centre

do not panic, you simply need custom pack. simply follow this guide:

1. Extract the CDA zip or rar file. You will get a folder called tpa.
2. Create a folder called own_custpack in XS++ dir.
3. Copy the tpa folder with its contents into own_custpack folder
4. Like this C:\XS++\own_custpack\tpa\
5. Now connect your phone to XS++
6. Check customize file system option.
7. In phone model choose own_cusptack option as phone model.
8. Click Flash

How to check the SIM-lock status:
To be sure that the phone is really unlocked, put a SIM card from another network provider. Another method to check the SIM-lock status is to access the service menu with >*<<*<* key sequence, where: > - joystick right, < - joystick left, * - asterisk key near 0 (zero). Now go to Service Info menu, then SIM Lock sub menu. In case your phone is unlocked, all padlocks are open.
Some phones does not have this option, in that case simp
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