How to make password protected folder/file using .htaccess

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How to make password protected folder/file using .htaccess

Post by Sethioz »

1. make a file called ".htaccess" and put the following code in it:

Code: Select all

AuthUserFile /full/path/to/your/.htpasswd
AuthType Basic
AuthName "name for your file/folder"
Require valid-user
full path, means that it has to be some like /home/sites/yoursite/ blabla (you need to ask that from your hosting if you don't know)
authname - this is not your username, this is simply a name displayed (password for blabla @ yoursite)

2. now make a file called ".htpasswd" and put your username:password in it.
Note that username has to be encrypted, this can be done with the special .htaccess password generators. like these:

3. now put both, ".htaccess" and ".htpasswd" into the folder you wan't to protect

Thats all, now when you wan't to enter that folder you need to enter user and pass.
I have also included example files with username as "admin" and password as "test", look below.
ht access.rar
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