
Stuff that does not fit elsewhere and also global news like corona or russki war
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Post by Sethioz »

We did some wardriving and warcracking 1-2 days ago and i tought it will be interesting to post about it.
we covered about 250 - 300km in total, even tho most of it was highway, i found 598 APs (Access Points)
These results are combined from 3 different lists (from 2 laptops and my own pc).

155 - Open
157 - WEP
149 - WPA
137 - WPA2

Surprisingly i would have never tought how close it came, that different networks are so equally spreaded. First i actually tought i only got about 200-300 APs.

Biggest surprise/discovery for me was that big rigs (trucks) have their own WAPs (wireless access points), first i didn't understand how can AP pop up in the middle of highway, but then i realized that some trucks have it. For example the "Neste" fuel trucks have AP named "Futurama". all of them seemed to have WPA encryption enabled.
I also cracked the first network in open, uncontrolled environment, it was quite cool to crack somebody's wireless from car actually, but now i got a lot bigger idea, i wanna find a driving truck with wireless, tail it and crack the net, ofc when we gonna take this trip on, i will most definetly make a video.

For now i have uploaded few pics into my Image Gallery > Wardriving
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Re: Wardriving

Post by Sethioz »

also did wardriving over another country..2000km driving, but onfortunetly WiFi hopper corrupted the file totally :(
it was impossible to save anything from it, on some wierd reason hopper just filled that file with "NULL"s, no idea why. however i think this file had nearly 1000 APs or even more.
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Re: Wardriving

Post by Sethioz »

we did some more wardriving, this time i made a video too. it is located in my Video Blog.
- Wardriving Video


43 - Open
34 - WEP
50 - WPA
19 - WPA2

it seems that it is always 50% wpa/wpa2 and other 50% wep/open.
as always there was some network with 'funny' name, it said hack me bitch!!!. screenshot is below :)
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Re: Wardriving

Post by Sethioz »

another wardriving, done over about 430km.
got total of 2629 wireless access points !
this time it seems there was more WPA/WPA2 than open/wep

679 - Open
422 - WEP
800 - WPA
728 - WPA2
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Re: Wardriving

Post by Sethioz »

more wardriving. not sure about distance, but here's the results. those are from another country once again.

215- Open
162 - WEP
140 - WPA
105 - WPA2

Total of 622 and i have to say that this is big surprise that there are way more open/WEP networks than WPA/WPA2. V told me that in that country 90% are WPA/WPA2, but i guess he was wrong.
V don't say what country we are talking about, im sure you know.

Why i put open/wep and wpa/wpa2 ?
simple, because wep is very easy to crack and open are connectable, it means that if network is open/wep, then you can use it, but wpa/wpa2 are quite hard to crack, only vulnerability is human factor (password).
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Re: Wardriving

Post by V »

Password is not the only problem here, you first need the handshake and if there's no connected people you can't get it, and no cracking either. Talk about absolute safety. With WEP you can get it under your control whether someone is present or not.

UPDATE: Actually there is a way to get WPA/WPA2 handshake without anyone being connected or having to deunth someone, you use Tshark to extract the hadnsahke from large capture files, for more info, google Tshark.
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Re: Wardriving

Post by Sethioz »

this one goes specially for V, he said that in London there's no open or WEP network, well he was very wrong, here's results from london after a small walk with laptop (about 300m).

10- Open
25 - WEP
34 - WPA
18 - WPA2

total of 87 networks. some of the open networks were BTopenZone or something like that, which are the wifi hotspots where you have to pay, but there's a way around it tho.
im sure if i would use 6dbi antenna instead of the 1-2dbi internal and cover like 1km distance, then i would get like 500 networks or more and 200 would be WEP/open.
anyways, it seems that soon we don't have to worry about internet at all, cuz there is already a way to see WPA traffic, not possible to get the actualy key, but you can see traffic, it is documented on aircrack-ng site.
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Re: Wardriving

Post by Sethioz »

another wardriving, over about 50 miles. from London to Hailsham.
most of it was highways, but still, here's the results:

126- Open
139 - WEP
170 - WPA
131 - WPA2
Total - 566

there's still lot of WEPs and open networks around and now when WPA isn't safe anymore either, i'd say that you can get free internet basically anywhere, you just need good antenna. these results i got with internal laptop's antenna, which is 1-2dbi strenght, my directional is 9dbi and omni is 6dbi...so imagine how much i would have got with 6dbi omni, or with 15dbi omni, which ive seen.
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Re: Wardriving

Post by MagicalSilence »

thot to Update this topic a bit

well did small driving round to test tool out and well seems like worked quite fine ^^

open networks and locked with quite accure location xD
wlans.png (676.01 KiB) Viewed 30019 times
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Re: Wardriving

Post by Sethioz »

i tought there should be way more networks. maybe it did not detect all. try using wifi hopper next time and do the same route. if you cant hook up GPS, then do without and see how many it detects, save into file as CSV. then count em.
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Re: Wardriving

Post by MagicalSilence »

you see it does not show all :) some are inside others when u click on it then it opens 2-4 more
in totall i got like 100+ - on that route, and i used PDA+gps to get google earth view as its nice xD
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Re: Wardriving

Post by Sethioz »

well make the same route again using wifi hopper. see if you get more.
use locatea also, and make a screen of the tracking route (use my acc if you want). then it shows clearly how far from it detects..etc. where you drive and where it detects.
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