Decided to write more or less step-by-step guide over a long time. This is because cheathappens is full of morons who won't release new trainers. Here's few easy things to do:
1. Infinite ammo with reload
2. Infinite ammo without reload
3. Unlimited Diamonds
4. Infinite medkits / syrgs
5. max ammo
6. unlimited ammo for flamethrower
-Run FarCry 2 in window mode (press Alt+Enter), this way its easier to hack.
-Get and open Tsearch
-Open process in Tsearch, choose farcry2.exe
-Now go into game and take out the weapon you wan't ammo for
-Look at the ammo left value (not in clip. 30/60, then look at this 60).
**NOTE** Make sure you keep weapon out while searching !!! DO NOT pause game or take out map.
-In Tsearch click on this magnificant glass thing to begin search.
-Choose 4bytes (because game allocates at least 4 bytes for this)
-Search for the ammo you have. if you have 30/60 then search for 60
-Now go back into game and shoot some bullets and RELOAD (make sure you reload)
-Now look at the value again. if you shoot 5 bullets and reload it will be 30/55
-In Tsearch click on this mag glass with ... at end to filter.
-Filter for 55.
-Repeat those steps until you end up with 2-3 addresses.
-Second address should be right one. double click to add it into list
-Freeze the value, by clicking on that checkbox in front of the address so small blue icon appears.
-Now go into game and test if it is right address. shoot and reload.
if ammo did not decrease, then it is right. if it did, then you did something wrong ! or have wrong address, test all of them until you find right address.
-So now to the point to get it for all weapons.
-Click on "autohack"
-Choose "enable debugger"
-click on autohack again and this time choose "autohack window"
-Now UNfreeze the address !
-Right click the address you found and choose "autohack"
-Go into game, shoot and RELOAD, while doing so, keep eye on the autohack window. The breakpoint that pops up after reloading is what you need !
-Now TEST before going any further. Check the checkbox in front of that breakpoint that appeared.
-Go into game, shoot and reload. If you did everything right, then now you have infinite ammo for all weapons.
Also when you switch weapons, it will fill the ammo if it was emptyd before.
NOTE - LMGs had some glitches. it didnt work, but when i switched weapon, then it filled the ammo again, so its almost as good.
-Once you found the breakpoint.
-UNfreeze it.
-Highlight it and then click on the "Tmk" button in "autohack" window
-Choose "button script"
you should see something like this:
Code: Select all
Tmk button script
Copy and Past into tmk using ctrl+V
Ex: Patched script for a ON button
and Unpatched script for a OFF button
Patched script:
Poke 1014453A 90 90 90
UnPatched script:
Poke 1014453A 89 71 14
Code: Select all
Poke 1014453A 90 90 90
-Now in Tsearch main window, click on this white paper to add new address.
-put this there : 1014453A and make sure its 1BYTE
-now add: 1014453B and 1014453C
**If you dont know how to add in HEX language then use your windows calculator at scientific mode**
-now you can make 2 hotkeys for each address
-Right click the 1014453A address and choose "edit"
-click on "set" and then "click here to set" button.
-now click the hotkey you want to use.
-Choose Action - set value
-90 in HEX is 144 in DEC, so you set 144 there.
-do SAME with other 2 addresses too.
**You should first make hotkey that changes back to normal. to do so, simply make hotkeys in same way, but value should be what it was before you edited them. NOTE that you haveto UNFREEZE the breakpoint before adding back to normal hotkeys!!!***
-Now when you set those 3 addresses at 144, you will have infinite ammo for all weapons.
2. This is done the same way as infinite ammo with reload. Only difference is that you will search for the "in-clip" value instead of remaining bullets.
3. This is also very easy. You simply search for the diamonds value at 4bytes (it is 1-2 byte value, but game allocates at least 4bytes, so its easier to find it on 4byte search). You do not have to use autohack on this. simply change diamonds to some HIGH value and save the game.
I also did no jamming, but it is lil bit harder and im not going to write tutorial for it. In short you have to eliminate the "jam" function in game. It can be done using debugger (autohack). It is simply a function that appears when gun jams. I think it ruins game when you take out reload and jam, so i couldn't bother to write tutorials for it, but feel free to ask and discuss it and anything else about FC2 hacking.
4. Do the unlimited ammo hack with reload and you have yourself unlimited medkits too, that simple.
5. first find the address for unlimited ammo left (unlimited ammo with reload)
- now go to that memory location using memory view in Tsearch
- go to 5th byte
here's example:
64 00 00 00 80
where 64 is your ammo left and 80 is the max ammo you can carry.
change it to FF FF or something like that and you can carry lot of ammo (65535 = FF FF)
6. same as other ammo, but values are different.
full tank value for flamer is 300
search that, then filter for decreased and you will find it.
Here's a demonstration video:
-click here-
Here's video tutorial
-click here-