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OSM money trainer

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 8:53 pm
by rnr55rnr
im trying to hack the money. months ago you were able to change money if you click inspect on money and change the number, so simple. it s fixed i think. i read your tutorials but i think i am to stupid.
maybe you can take a look and help me... maybe not. i don't want to waste your time. [sry for my bad english]

Re: OSM money trainer

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:31 am
by Sethioz
uhm i'm not really interested in such games, is it online or offline?
if offline, turn off your internet and see if you can still play and what happens if you go back online, will your money change back to what it was before you went offline or not. that way you can find out if money is server side or not, if its server side, i doubt there's anything you can do, apart from hacking / exploiting the website itself.

Other than that, i can recommend using tamper data (firefox addon) or webscarab (intercepting proxy), i got some tutorials / articles on Knowledge Database on how to use such tools.
you tried using cheat engine on it or something like that? what happens if you change money, will it just go back to what it was when you change it ?