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Bypassing the TDU anticheat

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:51 pm
by laxing
I've completed this game before, done it all, seen it all etc. I lost my save due to a reinstall and not backing it up and I'm having to do it all again, much to my impatience.
I'm basically trying to use a trainer to speed it up but holy lordy am I having a fit every ten minutes because of the giant holes that appear. Is there any way at all to make a trainer undetected? To defeat this annoying memory scanner? Bearing in mind that my coding knowledge is not even basic.

Re: Bypassing the TDU anticheat

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:52 pm
by Sethioz
MOVED - this is game hacking, not a problem report. well kind a is, but in future post such things into game hacking.

now are you talking about TDU or TDU2 ?
which trainer are you using? all of our trainers are 100% undetectable and do not corrupt memory, so you must be using some crap trainer made by some idiot who don't know how to make it undetectable.

i have my custom tool to write trainers with, well somewhat custom, so i dont get issues + most important is to write trainer without any code injection.

Re: Bypassing the TDU anticheat

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:31 pm
by laxing
My isssue is with TDU2. As far as I know, the only trainers you have available modify car stats so I use a different one that doesn't bypass the anti cheat. It has useful options such as boosting speed instantly, freezing game timers, adding money etc etc. But I can't play for more than ten minutes without the anti cheat kicking in and creating huge gaping holes that keep resetting my car and inevitably crashing the game.

I need to know how to bypass this scanner, whether you can do it or provide whatever means necessary to get the job done. Of course I realise nothing is free, so name your price.

Re: Bypassing the TDU anticheat

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:34 pm
by Sethioz
then why is title about tdu ?
TDU2 hacks have been discussed HERE
use search before posting new topic.

LOCKED - doubled topic, TDU2 hacks are discussed in TDU2 hack topic.

and in short, whatever trainer you're using, is made by morons who don't know that any type of code injection in tdu2 will cause memory to corrupt. This is why i don't have such options, because its not possible to make without code injection, but code injection causes tdu2 to crash. either way, lot about your question has been explained in TDU2 hack topic.