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War Z (warz) - hacks / trainers / hacking / exploits

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:34 am
by Sethioz
Here i will post all new War Z / WarZ trainers / trainer, hacks, hacking discussion, exploits and other kind of vulnerabilities
If you do not know how to hack games on basic level, read my Knowledge Database Article Basic Game Hacking

NOTE - this article may contain out of date information. I try updating this, but can't do everything, so if you find something
that is outdated, post a reply and let me know.

There is proof that some of these hacks are detectable when abused, so i recommend not abusing them
or not using at all if you don't want to risk getting banned.
Sprint, Super Jump, Instant Pickup ..etc are claimed to be detectable. Sprint im quite sure about, because it allows you to move so fast, but again lag has same effect, server is not aware of you moving thru the area and kicks you, so does sprinting.

Trainers are available HERE

0. RaiderZ - Wallhack / 2D Radar now available !
- Wesley have written 2D external radar and it is available here: ... uct_id=218

as far as we know, it is undetectable, because it is external app. it won't inject radar into game.
also it is 100% safe from screenshotting (developers take screenshots, at least there are rumors that they do, to check such wallhacks/radar/esp hacks)

1. Bypassing the launcher / updater

- make shortcut of "warz.exe"
- get process explorer
- run game normally, using launcher
- open up process explorer
- right click on warz process and properties
- check for "command line"
- copy whole line
- now close game
- right click your warz.exe shortcut and select properties
- paste that command line into "target" field
- click "apply" and "ok" or just "ok"
- launch game using that shortcut.

- if you are using guest pass, then by using this method, your guest pass should not have any time limit and you can use it for .. ever ?


2. Chat system exploiting

- Patched

3. NightVision hack
- I managed to enable nightvision without having it. I decided not to release details, however trainer is available here: ... uct_id=219

it's quite easy to find it tho. anyone with bit of skill can get it done.

4. Infinite Sprint
- I have confirmed that this is client sided and can be freezed / modified. Not sure if i release it or not, but most likely NOT. if you have read Basic Game Hacking article on my wiki, you should be able to easily do it.

5. Mid-air jumping / jump anywhere
- Jump is also client sided, however your location is not. if you jump too high, too many times, you will get kicked out of server. What i did, is found the jump address and just changed value to jump. it's bit tricky, but i have confirmed it works.
whenever i set the jump value to "jump", then character will jump, no matter where character is. so you can jump in mid-air, basically it is fly hack. you can keep jumping while in air, but again, you will get kicked after about 10 jumps. i tried hovering above ground and got kicked.
so it can only be used to get on top of some buildings or jumping over high fences, works perfectly in such scenarios.
hopefully they won't ban for it, because in this case...everyone should be banned. there are so many glitches that throw you in air. like walking near wall or rocks, you might get launched in air for nothing.
Don't think i release the method now. will wait and see.

Memo: I noticed that whenever i jumped in middle of nowhere (like here on video) then nothing happend, but when i jumped over 2 fences in quite short time, i got kicked out of server. it must be tracking player movements and if you cross the "line" that you're not suppose to, then you get kicked. like those high fences/walls, there is no way you can get over them without high jump.
however jumping on the roof, doesn't seem to have any bad effects, on that same video you see me jumping over small fence, then jumping on the roof and then jumping again on top of roof, no kick. but jumping over only 2 high fences got me kicked. This is why i think there is some kind of "line" that they have places over fences and if you cross them, you get kicked because of some location check.

6. Zooming / Zoom
Video Demonstration
Trainer is available HERE
Nice concept, that allows you to zoom in indefinitly.
However if you do zoom in a lot, your mouse sensitivity will be problem, i got Cyborg R.A.T 7 which has the "precision aim" mode, with this i have no issues using zoom, because i can set it to slow down mouse movement from 0 - 100%. i have it slowed down 95%, so when im zoomed in, i can still easily aim. without that, its very hard to turn your view without completely flipping over everything.

7. Flight / Jump
Originally found by Eliot
This is still in beta testing, it throws you in the air and freezes you, however do it too much and you get instant kicked (not banned).
I consider this being very safe to use, because server cannot tell this from lag, if you lag and run up the hill and server gets the packet that you are on top of mountain, but last packet from you was far away, then server just kicks you, thinking it is network lag.
We're improving this, to turn it into super jump / glitch thru walls/ceilings

8. Glitch into objects / stay in mid-air
Similar to jump, but it actually throws you into objects / walls, if done in middle of nowhere, you end up standing 1-2 meters off the ground and you can move like that too.

9. Remove Bushes / Grass (increase FPS by 40% or more)
Hack that removes all bushes and grass, extremely useful if you want to spot zombies and players who are sneaking up on you.
Also on weaker computers, it increases FPS incredibely.
I'm getting about 50-60FPS, but with this, it stays solid 60 (my monitor is 60hz and vsync on).

10. Instant item/objects pick-up
No more waiting to pick-up items, you can instantly pick up anything.
Allows you to instantly pick up like 10 items or even more with just touch of a button.

We probably won't release any of this in public, we just make trainers to prevent little kids from abusing these hacks.
Maybe we'll release instant pick-up

8, 9 and 10 were found by Eliot.

If you looking for video proof, check my youtube channel (
Everything is there for everyone to see.


1 and 2 were pointed out by TeamRetox (Wesley). Now i have started doing research on WarZ myself and discovered lot of interesting stuff.
There is so much that can be done and once again, there is not even one person out there, who have what we have. jump and sprint i have seen by unknowncheats morons, who use code injection to make it (code injection is very detectable and bannable). i don't use any kind of code injection at all, i simply make a trainer that find the address and changes the value directly, without injecting any custom code.
so my method is 100% STEALTH.

Zoom and Flight are exclusively ours. Zoom allows you to change view actually, you can have view so far, that you can see yourself from above, its awesome (no not same as tactical overview by unknowncheats idiots).

I also have awesome idea, i'm quite sure i can make "out of body" hack, where you can get your view out of body and shoot people from there, meaning you can be like 600m (max distance that players even show up) away from someone and shoot them from point blank range.
im 100% sure it is possible, concept is working, just need to narrow it down and put it into a concept trainer.
My test was 100% successful, i was behind cover (where no1 can see or shoot), but my view was outside the cover and i was able to shoot others.
NO it is not same as post office shelf glitch, not even close to that.

i have tested the chat thing, it's a lot of fun and EVIL too :)
I just made like 8 people logout.
how? look below, the screenshots ahah.

here im just testing
here im getting serious
..i said HELLOOOOO!!!!
you can easily fake the PROXIMITY chat and scare the shit out of people, making them think you are right behind them.
now my Cyborg V7 keyboard really comes in handy, i can make macros to insert code for me, all i have to do is type the text :)
this is evil lol

Re: War Z - hacks / hacking / exploits

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:37 am
by Sethioz
I've tried some inventory hacks and ammo hack. it's client sided, but gets checked. it's odd, that if you change ammo counter, it actually works and saves. i changed pistol ammo to 255, but after i shot more bullets than i had before changing, game crashed. so there must be some weird check. i don't understand why it crashes tho. maybe that crash thing is how they ban you, once you send the crash report they ban you ?! i didn't send it tho.

i tried messing with inventory too. i spawned a pistol, but when i tried using it. same. crash. after i logged back in, it was back to normal again.
also i think i found weapon stats, haven't tried messing with them yet tho.
also, when i was messing with inventory, i got error:


found out that each action between backpack and inventory goes via website that is hosted in godaddy. they're using godaddy's SSL certificates.
so its all SSL, resending packets aint helping, tried with commview and wpe pro.
It also means it's TCP and not UDP.

what's left to try, is to change stuff before you pick it up, i have a feeling it will work, but changing stuff in world, now that's a bitch.
i really don't think that they can detect that, there is no way that every server reports every spawn. not happening.
since i already know weapon "codes" in memory, it shouldn't be too hard finding them, but i need some backup on this one i think.
sitting in some place and keeping search going is dangerous, even in empty server, zombie can get me.

what exactly i want to do, is replace item in world, before i pick it up. replace it with whatever i want, then pick it up.
A5 8B 01 00 << i think this is oatmeal.
and then right after, comes amount of the item, like so:
A5 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00
red 01 is amount of item.

here's full string of oatmeal
C3 06 EA 05 00 00 00 00 A5 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00
at least that's how it looks like in inventory.
it seems very similar to Resident Evil series.
for example 8B seem to be food category and 8A is weapons (at least pistols) and A5 is the actual item, like oatmeal.

I will definetly try to replace them in world and then pick em up. money might work that way too.

I'm not exactly sure where these can come in handy, but im sure there is a hole in the game that can be exploited to add/edit items.
so here's a small list of items / weapons that i have confirmed to be correct.

water bottle
14 D5 7B 06 00 00 00 00 B3 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00

C3 06 EA 05 00 00 00 00 A5 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00

can of soup
FC AE 06 06 00 00 00 00 AB 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00

large backpack
DA 82 23 06 00 00 00 00 D3 4E 00 00 01 00 00 00

D9 46 27 06 00 00 00 00 50 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 B2 1A 06 00

58 E3 C6 05 00 00 00 00 26 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 1B 06 00

23 97 06 06 00 00 00 00 F7 8A 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 1A 06 00

D9 BC 23 06 00 00 00 00 BB 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF

8E E7 7B 06 00 00 00 00 C3 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

bandages dx
96 BA 06 06 00 00 00 00 8E 8B 01 00 01 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

>> 13th byte is amount of item/weapon. for example if you have 6 water bottles, then it would be 06.
as you see weapons have a lot more to it, most likely last 4 bytes on weapons are some kind of stats, rate of fire ? damage ? .. yet to be tested. i haven't even changed any of them yet.

They say that they have patched the chat color and size exploits, but i have not yet tested them.
Also my nightvision and sprint trainer stopped working, so i have to make them again, but they are planning on implanting new anti-cheat system which most likely will detect them. NightVision will be undetectable, but not sure if i can do same with sprint.
Will see. i first need nightvision and i don't have enough money.

Chat has been patched, no more color / size fun :(

Re: War Z (warz) - hacks / trainers / hacking / exploits

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:38 pm
by XaneXXXX

About the backup part. Me and my friend are in if you still need it to test your hacks.

Regards! :)

Re: War Z (warz) - hacks / trainers / hacking / exploits

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 4:06 am
by Sethioz
no need for that, i can do it near safezone, but that might change results.
i kind of put this project "on-hold". we've been playing using just RaiderZ radar.
since it is not exactly a wallhack or ESP, i like it. it doesn't take the fun out, since it won't show the exact location of player.

also im bit worried about the anti-hack system, it seems like it is virtually non existing, but i wouldn't want to get banned on my account. i highly doubt anything would happen unless i seriously mess with the code, but still.

if someone willing to give me a test account (i dont need login details, there is temporary method that can be used), then i can make some tests sure.
I also want to remake nightvision, somewhere i read it was patched, but i only have like 9000 money and cant buy NV yet and haven't found one either.

Re: War Z (warz) - hacks / trainers / hacking / exploits

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:51 am
by Sethioz
Exclusive trainer for our personal use, i doubt it ever gets released, but public releases will have same things, just in 2 or more different trainers.