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No Limit to Retardness

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:14 pm
by KEN
I thought i will play with people a bit and was thinking that it wont actually work but it worked sweet and fine :D
this is what i did:
(119.66 KiB) Downloaded 143 times
Just to explain a bit,what i did was put this as my facebook status: "Strange but true...write your login id,and the 123PASSWORD123 and facebook censors it :D see like this mine:
[email protected] 123************123"

And then i asked my 3-4 friends to say their id there and put ***** and say that its true.....after that there were real noobs who actually commented with their real id and pass :D
Although after seeing that their pass is not censored,they removed the comment but i am on facebook almost whole time so when they commented i saw their pass before they could remove the comment XD
And i wondor how many more people are there who will still comment on it with their real id and passes.

Ok for just a side note,if u "reply" here on this topic with your id and pass,it will be censored automatically :) see mine does,and so will your's:


Re: No Limit to Retardness

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:18 pm
by Sethioz
yes indeed, this is why einstein said something like
only 2 things are limitless, universe and human stupidity
and another saying by me
The easiest way to get something from someone, is to "ASK"
that i made up during those years ive hacked and owned ppl. in most cases it is easier to "ask" for a password than hack the person's stuff.

no matter how many RETARDED things i see in my life, yet i underestimate human stupidity. im always going for harder ways before discovering easier ways, thats the downside of being genius :(