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Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:35 pm
by Sethioz
i never got vest working, thats what i just tested. I think its not only the vest value, i think its the whole long string.
1. get vest working on difficulty where you can buy it
2. check the memory position to see how long vest string could be.. like with items/weapons, where 12 bytes are important data.
3. copy that string and try pasting it into same (or near) memory position on hard. (this may work on other diffs too)

as about weapon/item values. are you SURE that you looked the right value ? 15 and 24 if its the exact values you said, then no idea, because 15 and 24 are not HEX and DEC. first i tought that you had HEX value and i had DEC, but hmmm.
also note that some items are more than once in my list. some items have 2 or more values.
for example theres 2 different types of chicago typewriters too. so check my list, maybere herbs and stuff are doubles and its just one of the values ?! uh or maybe it depends where you do it lol .. i mean when playing as ada its different.

Here's how i made the list:
i found the weapon/item address
i added it into cheat list on 2 bytes
now i went into attach case and highlighted the item/weapon (the one i found)
now in tsearch i made hotkey for that address "add 1 to value"
now in RE4 i was on the weapon and keeping it highlighted, then i just clicked the hotkey and it had instant effect.
NOTE - only text below changes, item icon does not change instantly, it only changes when you exit and reenter attach case, also dont worry about crashing it, because it doesnt crash when you do this, game MAY crash only when you exit and reenter the attach case.
for example it may say like "pocket watch", but when you exit and then reenter attach case, game will crash.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:07 am
by hideo
oh ya the value is the same, i forgot to convert the value, haha my bad
i heard RE5 is coming out for pc soon,, i hope we can cheat like this to for RE5

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:11 pm
by Itachi4376
I signed up! I'm the Angel of Death from youtube. Ok, so as I stated in my message (if you read it) you would see that I have had some trouble with the infinite time hack. I understand the HEX language and the DEC uses but when I search for the 23 secs and 33 secs values you have given I run across thousands of values. What am I doing wrong? Are these values different for me then they would be for you? If so how can I search them/ find them? Oh yes. I do not knwo if you celebrate Easter, but Happy Easter!

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:34 pm
by Sethioz
well you filter for the values until you have ended up with 2-10 addresses, then you try them one by one.
23secs left - 46202930
33secs left - 65837871
as i CANT search exact values. you do a RANGE search. if time shows 23, then search for 45000000 to 47000000, then decreased when time decreases. you can also pick up the time and the search for increased.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:58 pm
by Itachi4376
let me see if I've got this down. When the timer is a 23 secs (or is it multiples of 23 or any time with 23 in it) and i search for the range and then filter it out by searching for what after that? As you said I cannot search for an exacte number so how am I suppose to come down to a small amount of addresses? I understand the process just not the steps. :cry:

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:09 pm
by Sethioz
23 = 23 seconds left (not 1.23 or 2.23 or whtever, but 23 seconds !)
you search range as i already gave you example.
you keep filtering until you end up with 10 or less.
also when i tried to make it again while ago, i found out that one of those values didnt work on some reason, maybe i wrote it down wrong. so if you cant find it then you can always do "unknown" and then keep doing decreased and increased, depending on what time does in game. you lose time = decreased, you pick up time + increased. 20-50 searches WILL get you 10 or less addresses.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:39 pm
by hideo
you know what, if you're actually trying to freeze the timer because you want to obtain 60000 points and above...then i suggest you can hack the score instead of the time, much easier that way =)

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:51 pm
by Itachi4376
So when it is at 23sec or less and it's counting down I would filter the search of the 4500000-47000000 range by the "decreased" setting in the filter options. Or am I still going about this wrong. By the way on the first page of this topic your link to the basic hacking tutorial does not work. At least it does not work for me.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:22 am
by Sethioz
Itachi if you only want to get high score, then hideo is right, just search for score. if you just wanna have fun with infinite time (survivor mode), then yes time is way to go..
no you are totally lost. oh well..

1. when time is 23, first scan is RANGE 4500000-47000000 (4bytes)
2. next is filter (scan 2). WAIT until your time have decreased to like 19 seconds (because if its over 19 it MAY still be in the range you searched) and search for "DECREASED"
3. now wait 1 sec (time is 18) and search for DECREASED again.
-wait 1 sec (17) and decreased again. keep doing that until you end up with 10 or less.
NOTE, i would make hotkey for (search 2 - decreased - 4 bytes), so you dont have to switch between game and Ts.
ALSO, use your brain. its not a rocket science, its only logic. for example you DONT have to keep doing decreased all the time, go pick up TIME and then search for "INCREASED" instead. OR pause game and then do 2-4 "NOT CHANGED", this also helps you to get rid of wrong addresses.

Maybe hideo can make a video tutorial hehe.

Basic game hacking
< fixed

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:28 pm
by hideo
you mean video tutorial for the score hack or time?? haha i think you are better qualified sethioz, lol
anyway sethioz do you notice about some chars like ada of not able to use knife slash during the mercenaries mode..i have been trying to give her that "knife" command but failed a lot of times..maybe it cannot be done..but im just curious..

and 1 more thing...right now all i can do is to change item id in order to have another type of i've studied the mapping and then when i try to "create item without using another item" the game you think i must input the memory mapping inside a specific address line or smt??

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:38 am
by Sethioz
for time i meant. it seems he really wants it, but im really out of mood these days to make the time tutorial.
about knife, i think its not possible in this way, because character does not have the animation. however thru modding it should be possible. for example i have some mods that change the kicks (animation of kick). so if you are able to "give" ada the slash animation and then weapon, then it should work, but its lot of work and its more like modding. Here's the RE4 Modding topic, in case you are interested. actually its fun to change sounds..i have some hl2 sounds in them and those are kick ass. weapons make so real sound.

as about adding whole new item, as far as i know there is no specific position for items, so im quite sure its just the specific memory range where you can add new items.
or maybe items are linked to other addresses, so you cant really make new like this. not sure, i havent done more research.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:49 pm
by Itachi4376
Well I have finally accomplished infinite time and now i'm on to my next accomplishment. This hacking stuff is really fun but I am craving more! After getting the infinite ammo cheat i beat the game twice just for the hell of it. Now i am wanting to figure out weapons in general; getting them in the attche without actually having them by finding them and such and then i want to move onto the weapons modifications. Breaking the limits off the gun you know, so i guess my next big question is how do i go about finding a gun on tsearch? If I undertsand what you have said in previous replies to people I can use the ammo to find gun(s) right? I am curious because after beating the mercanaries i got the handcannon and it is maxed, but now how can I get that same handcannon on an infinite time mercanary level so i can go on a killing spree? I also understand that you are probably tired of explaining these things but I say the truth when i say that I am very interested!

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:26 am
by Sethioz
you can use any value that changes to find weapon, ammo, rotation, equipped/unequipped. hideo had problems with it too, but he figured it out, so read it over again, its just logic, not science.
to max out handcannon on merc mode, simply check the weapon tuning i posted, its VERY simple. you just change the tuning and thats all.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:55 am
by hideo
well better still if you alr know your weapon type
for instance u want to find handgun then just equip the handgun...u can prob search using t search hex editor --> go to and search for hex
23 00 01 00 01 00 11 11 0D 00 and then the rotation or smt like that
and yeah im still trying to produce weapon or items out of thin air, if i succeeded then i will post it on this forum sethioz

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:50 am
by Sethioz
Don't forget to mention the tuning slots hideo, in the example "23 00 01 00 01 00 11 11 0D 00" tuning seem to be level 1 in all (the first tuning you can apply).
a lil more advanced thing you can do is to convert that HEX string to DEC and then do a normal scan. well problem is that you can only do 8 bytes scan max. so pick out 8 bytes (23 00 01 00 01 00 11 11), convert to dec and search, then tune your weapon's firepower for example (check my first post to see the mapping of tuning), then generate the new HEX string which should look something like this "23 00 01 00 01 00 21 11" < one of them will change to 2), now convert to DEC again and filter for that value. you should find it with just 1 filter, ofcourse ammo works too.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:41 pm
by Itachi4376
ok, so now I have to find the weapon in memory. For the sake of arguement we say the handgun. I just bought it, so now how do i find the memory location? I can find the infinite ammo location but that isn't the handgun location in HEX. Since i just bought it and have not up graded it the HEX should look like this?23 00 01 00 01 00 11 11 ? So if i want to search that for DEC i would put what? 35010101717? Also hideo what do you mean weapon type? I understand what you are saying but when i search for that strings (i copied and pasted it) it came up with nothing. This is in HEX and i click the magnifying glass and put 23 00 01 00 01 00 11 11 0D 00 and nothing comes up. What am i doing wrong?

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:30 am
by Albert Wesker
Hi, I've already had about a month before asking how the program TSearch games to go hacking. The Resident Evil for me was one of the heaviest ever, because I'm apparently not as a master hacker as you. I wanted to ask you again as you with the Chicago Typewritter what you just so in the mini-game Mercernaries of a weapon by this substitute could have done. Can you give me, perhaps with an example, it would also be a lot better when you action from scratch, you also in the video shown to me to describe. I only hope you have my text to understand. Thanks in advance.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:35 am
by Sethioz
Itachi you still make a mess
the string is in HEX, not in DEC. the mag glass is for DEC values and NO, the handgun you buy has 00 00 of tuning, not 11 11.
cmon ppl use your brain and logic lil bit :)

1. I already put up the memory mapping (order) of bytes
2. theres LOT of values that can be changed (in game, which means they are searchable)
- for example: ammo in clip, rotation, tuning and equipped/unequipped. and i mean "ammo in clip" not the total ammo you have.
-find ammo in clip > go to that location in HEX > look at my 'memory map' to see where is weapon value
-find rotation (hideo should know the values) > look at my 'memory map' to see where is weapon value
-equip weapon > search 1 > unequip weapon > search 0 (keep doing that for like 20 times and you have it > look at my 'memory map' to see where is weapon value
-buy handgun > search for 0 at 2 bytes > go to merchant and buy lvl1 on all tuning ( 11 11 in HEX ) > convert it to DEC ( 4369 ) > filter for that value > if you didnt find it > sell it and rebuy it

as you see theres many ways to find it, its just logic guys, nothing less or more, you dont have to know about hacking at all, all you need is just the basic of HEX - DEC and basics of Tsearch (how to search and filter and how to open and search stuff in HEX view).

Wesker its already here, we have discussed it lot of times, just read it all over

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:37 am
by Albert Wesker
Hej, I've just wondered how you with the Chicago Typewriter do it and nothing else.
You have me then but apparently not really well understood. I tell you again I just wanted to know how you are with the Chicago Typewritter have done, but now I think I already understood.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:13 am
by Sethioz
just like with all other weapons

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:55 pm
by Itachi4376
I did it! I found the handgun and was able to tweek it! Ok, so i guess now my question is that I;ve seen you just make guns appear out of other items or else thin air. how do i accomplish this feat?

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:57 pm
by Sethioz
just change the value of handgun to something else (or any other item).
in memory all of the items in attach case are quite close to each other, so if you find one, you find all of them. you just have to check my item list, find same values and try changing them and see what changes in attach case.
do what i do, just mess around with them and change values.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:49 am
by hideo
holy crap i just tuned my blacktail i dont know why its firepower is 50.0, haha
i have to quickly reset the game because i dont want to spoil the fun of the game

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:43 am
by Itachi4376
Success! I have accomplished making other weapons and such. Now I have another question, can I save these locations or something. I saw your video on how to get weapons anywhere and anytime but how did you do that without the proper stuff,(tuning, ammo) when i saw the video you it looked like you had the locations and cheats pre-made. hhow do i go about doing that? Ps. You couldn't really see how it was done in the vid, i know it was just a demonstration, but still.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:36 am
by hideo
so itachi, you can make weapon out of thin air now??

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:16 am
by Sethioz
Itachi to 'save' those locations, you need to know more about memory, specifically about code injection (trainer making).
when you succeed with that, then it only works on THIS specific version of game, so its quite useless i think.
in short, you can find breakpoint of weapon by selling it and buying another weapon, it should use same memory location (or sell and buy same weapon) < autohack stuff in Tsearch.
However what i do, is i just save the addresses. RE4 is made the way that it usually won't change addresses on your pc, sometimes it does, but it happens when you run some other programs with RE4 that may interfere with it's memory, otherwise addresses should be same.

Tsearch has quite good tutorial in it, on how to find breakpoint and make a quick code injection. so if you are able to find breakpoint of weapon and do lil bit of debugging you can write a quick trainer that will allow you to get the weapon/s with just one or two clicks in trainer.
I don't write trainers, since it seems pretty pointless to me (as mentioned, it only works with one specific version and 99% of games have shit loads of versions).

Umm and yes i would like to know too, you was able to successfully make weapon out of thin air ?

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:15 pm
by hideo
i think creating weapons or items out of thin air is very difficult because you need to know the specific memory address to insert the memory mapping and there are like thousands of them...but who knows atachi manage to do that...u never know

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:19 am
by Itachi4376
Oops, I did say that didn't I, my bad. What I did do was able to change guns into other guns. I thiink it is possible to do make guns out of thin air, by finding the attchi box in memory and then just write in the weapons values(all of the; amount tunes, rotation and such) into the empty parts of the attchi box within memory. But that could only work if you have alot of space and i do not know the exact value of rotation or anything. But i did succeed in making weapons. Also i found that there is a strange glithe that happen sometime swhere the weapon i make will appear as a black white space in invetory wich is weird.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:45 am
by Sethioz
If placing the weapon into attach case with all the necessery values doesnt work, then you have to find the breakpoint of a weapon by selling/buying it and from there you can write a quick code injection trainer. you can use Tsearch's "Easy Write" for that.
Changing some item to a weapon is enought so giving items/weapons doesn't really interest me that much, however when I try it again on RE4 i'll post it and update the first post.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:07 pm
by hideo
yo sethioz btw u forgot to include magnum ammo inside the item dec list
it is 0
and gd luck with the experimentation

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:53 am
by Sethioz
hmm how can it be 0 ? i mean 00 is when there is nothing, i don't think it can be 0. how did you change the item/weapon ? did you directly changed it in HEX or added the address and then changed there ?

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:32 pm
by hideo
well i looked through ur item id list and i realized you dont have magnum ammo inside the list so i decided to search for magnum ammo id
i acquire a handgun ammo and i start from(this is hex) 01 until ur last code and its true there is really no magnum i try to put 00 as my item id and guess what...the handgun ammo turns to magnum ammo..and there you go, magnum ammo id is 00 or 0 in dec. why dont u try it..i think item id are all the same right??

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:46 pm
by Sethioz
interesting, but it can't be 00, because value is already 00 when you have nothing in that slot. there has to be something else. ill update when i check it.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:59 pm
by hideo
hmm it did work for me but yeah you better double check it

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:56 pm
by Sethioz
yeah you was right, 0 is magnum ammo. only way it may work, is that there is another address which tells the game that there is an item in attach case, otherwise game won't read it at all, this is the address you have to find to 'spwan' a weapon into attach case. so i suggest to go for old good 1 and 0, where 1 = item/weapon is there, 0 = item/weapon does not exist.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:03 pm
by hideo
im guessing that we need to increase the memory mapping range...those few bytes after and before the "12 bytes" can mean something and we also need to know all the hex code for the attache location first of all
what do you think?

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:45 pm
by Sethioz
exactly what i meant, there's more after and/or before those 12 bytes. i just brought those out. there has to be something that tells the game that item/weapon actually exists. maybe there's some kind of a 'header' for attach case, which tells game where there is item.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:29 pm
by hideo
ya im going to take 10 cheat address and then compare their before/after the "12 bytes mapping"...hopefully i can find any clue
oh and also usually my cheat address is always at the 00A something range

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:38 am
by hideo
ok after some research i finally found the item starting brackets..i think...
so i start out by having 3 ammo slots and i arranged them side by side...ok so i cheat each and everyone of them
so i have now 3 handgun ammo boxes all cheat and i have the 3 addresses. each box has 50 ammo so = 39 in hex
put inside t-search hex editor
and then after studying those hex number for long time i realized that even though some of the address are far apart...but in the hex data they are always next to each other
so example lets say first address is 0A1122FF and second is 0A6633FF
if u check the 0A1122FF it will say like 04 01 00 39 00 and so on but then if you continue it then it will have the hex code of the second handgun ammo box so another 04 01 00 39 its like each attache box area has their own memory bracket...and also if you check all the address, see the hex editor right side where it is not hex map but like text full of .....W...P something like that, check that corner and you will notice that before each address they always have like the alphabet P...O.. at the right hand corner that shows the beginning of the memory address bracket

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:35 am
by Sethioz
seems like you mean that each ammo box has own address, yes ofcourse they do.
if it comes to infinite ammo, then onle one breakpoint will do, because game uses same function for all ammo, so if you "nop" that function, then game don't know how to decrease any of the ammo, so it just does nothing and won't decrease your ammo upon reload, but yes each ammo box is different address obviously. they have to be..otherwise it would be just one box of ammo.

language on right side is called ASCii, thats the symbolic view of memory. left is HEX view of memory and right is ASCii view of memory. it doesn't matter which one you use to look at the things, its still same.
in some games its just way easier to find models like this, because in lot of games names are actually written out in ASCii, like "/models/weapons/handgun" and this allows you to find handgun model, then you can look hex string for it and replace it with other model if you want (thats what i did in AvP2, changed my sniper to machine gun and had rapidfire sniper).

You should try ArtMoney, because AM is more powerful if it come to HEX. for example AM can take a whole chunk of memory in HEX and replace it with other, so you should be able to take the whole item/weapon and put into other place (like onto empty place and see what happens).
also i don't think that you can just put it into any empty place, it has to begin where item/weapon is suppouse to begin, otherwise game won't read it. so maximize the HEX view window and take a screenshot of it, then start new game so you have no weapons, make sure your attach case is same size as before < best way is to use cleared game save, so you begin with empty box or just sell all items and buy 2 new to test with. then make screenie, start it again and sell ALL weapons, then try to inject (paste) that part into SAME place. im quite sure that it WILL make a weapon pop up in same place as before.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:38 pm
by hideo
ya that's what i've been doing lately, i will update you again sometime soon. btw im going to purchase RE2 pc it the same way to hack?? i heard RE2 is much easier and u can spawn item?

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:39 pm
by Sethioz
no idea about RE2, but yes you can spawn items there. my friend was playing it and found some tutorials too.

but why buy it ? are you mad at the money ?

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:41 am
by hideo
because i think RE2 is the best RE in the series, basically RE4 is nice too but it is not like a survival horror..hmm was wondering if u have the link to your friend RE2 tutorial or smt?? thanx

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:26 am
by hideo
sethioz any luck with the cheating for item??? its very hard but imo its possible, just that its difficult

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:04 pm
by Sharpster441
i have only one problem i dont know witch program to use

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:49 pm
by Sethioz
obviously you have not read the first post. anyways if you know nothing about game hacking, then you should start here > "Basic game hacking & Toolz for it !"

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:45 am
by TonyLeong81
Sethioz wrote:1. Infinite ammo
well its simple, BUT...
well first how to make it. Search for value u have in inventory screen.
you have to use autohack to get inf ammo for all. it simply takes out command that tells game to dec. the value.
ok. run game in window because u cant minimize it. at least some versions wont go back up...
now. search for value u have in ammo box. TOTAL value. if u have 2 cases of pistol ammo. 50 in one and 12 in other then u search for 62.
then shoot some bullets and RELOAD!!! if u dont reload then value wont dec. in box. if u shot like 10 bullets and RELOADED then search for 52...keep doing that.
i dont member if there was 1 or more addresses but...just freeze one and find out the right one...
-enable autohack
-open autohack window
-right click right address and choose autohack
-shoot some more ammo and RELOAD.
-go into autohack window...c
-mark the address in autohack (one that it found)
-go back in game and test ur ammo ... it should work if u did it RIGHT.
-to keep it never changes....
-highlight the address in autohack window and click on ''tmk'' button
-look for button script.
mine looks like this...
Dear sir,

I am a huge fan of Resident Evil franchise ever since the 1st one came in 1996 / 97...and Resident Evil 4 for me just takes the cake as it's full of suspense and thrills, not to mention the cool stuff we can use in the game. But it's hard to survive it even when I use my RE skills over the years, (which makes me bad, I know) I have downloaded the Tsearch what? Please bear with me as I am not an expert in please tell me STEP BY STEP how to apply the infinite ammo thing and the stuff I saw with Droog's...THAT"S AWESOME!!! But the trainers don't seem to I have to re-install the game again and THEN use the trainer? PLEASE're my only hope.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 10:41 am
by Sethioz
It has already been discussed and i have tutorial. here's 2 things that will help:
> Video Tutorial
> How to hack / get unlimited ammo in single player games

In case the unlimited ammo tut is not clear on this game, the value you search is the amount of bullets in your inventory screen. you start game with only 10 bullets, so this is what you search for.

Important things to know:
1. this has nothing to do with programming, it is hacking and debugging, which is much easier than programming
2. trainer, well this is exactly why i don't write trainers. you probably have different version of game, i show ppl how, so there is no version problems like you have with trainer. and specially RE4, there's lot of different versions out you never know if trainer works or not.
3. once you get it done, you will never have to make it again in this computer. however when you install it into other pc, you may have to make it again, since breakpoints may change.
4. you can load that hack just like it would be trianer, using Tsearch
5. if you have further questions about the basic unlimited ammo hack, then post it there, not here.

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:42 am
by TonyLeong81

I have gone through the basic tutorials and now I was able to use the infinite ammo stuff well. Thank you.

But I have a small problem, I bought the gamepad and I use it smoothly...just one problem...I CAN'T ZOOM...even when it tells me to use the right stick (up / down) won't zoom and it's a bit of a headache as long range targets are cool to play especially seeing it being done in demos...and I CAN"T SPIKE the lake monster when I am being towed whereas I see in demos that you can spike the creature when being towed by the anchor to minimize waiting for it to come do i solve these problems? Please help. Is there a setting in the control panel I should know about? please help/

Re: Resident Evil 4 - Hacking/Tutorial

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:32 am
by TonyLeong81
Oh, and by the way, Mr Sethioz,

I noticed that you already had a few special weapons in the case as you were giving the demo for infinite ammo...

1. do you have a a list of byte codes depicting every weapon besides 1 byte for handgun ammo?
2. Does the infinite life / or strength as you called it work the same way as you did with ammo?
3. Do you have to complete one "Normal" game in order to get that lightning gun you had in the very beginning of the demo?

BTW: My PC version is the one where everything is lighter compared to PS2.