Some EU countries blocking pirate bay..what idiots and noobs

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Some EU countries blocking pirate bay..what idiots and noobs

Post by Sethioz »

I noticed that recently (within 1-2 months) some EU countries (like UK for example) started blocking the pirate bay.
their pathetic attempts to take pirate bay down in past failed, so now they are just closing their eyes and hope it goes away.
what pathetic NOOBS.
where this world have come to ?

It's like that ... if someone or something is so powerful that it cannot be defeated, then they will just ignore it, hoping it goes away.
causing even more damage than just allowing it to exist. It's not just about internet and websites.

However if you still want to access it from country / ISP that is blocking the pirate bay, then here's how to still access the pirate bay when blocked.
...easy one really, just use a proxy.
TOR does the trick. google for "vidalia bundle". Vidalia is control panel for TOR. Works great. or you can always ask someone to download stuff for you.
or ask someone to run a virtual pc for you, from country where its allowed, like Russia for example or India ..etc.
Those countries don't give a shit about such retarded and lame and childish bully laws. YES bully .. those EU government morons are nothing more than
balless bullies. they are bored, they ruined their childhood and now they are jelous that people are actually having good life, so they want to ruin it whatever it takes.

if kids can't get movies, games ..etc online .. then where they get it from ? they STEAL from shops. anyone who has money, would buy whatever they download ... who doesn't have money, would never buy it anyway..DUH.
only difference is .. that if people (mostly kids) can't get their stuff online, they get more frustrated and violent and start doing other things, instead of playing their pirated game or watching a pirated movie.

when does those morons get it thru their thick skulls ? ... i guess only when its busted open and that's what will happen if they force people to fight for their freedom.

there is a way to make game UNCRACKABLE by making it 100% online, so you can't play offline at all. something like is doing with hacks.
movies can be kept only on the big films, so there would only be cam versions out there and most of people wouldn't want to see a cam version.
this is the way to "fight" piracy, not by restricting access to something that is out there.
its like rubbing a candy into child's face and say "NO! you can't take it or i slap you into face!"
its in human nature to take it, no matter how many laws they make, they will NEVER stop piracy .. .for as long as its possible. they have to make it impossible to copy things, then piracy stops. not by trying to restrict access to it. by restricting access they will only cause chaos and destruction...
what blind idiots..or maybe they just want to cause WW3 .. which most likely happens when ACTA is forced upon us.

anyway i just downloaded a torrent via proxy from pirate bay and still downloading. those pahtetic noobs can sit their thumbs up their ass and hate all they want, i hate them right back or better yet ...laugh over their idiocy :)
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