- free download / stealing songs and tracks

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Contact: - free download / stealing songs and tracks

Post by Sethioz »

This is quick guide how to do this, since it was quite tough nut to crack i cant bother writing step-by-step right now.

all you need is a packet sniffer that can capture packets, however i suggest commview and in this example i use commview.

go to djtunes and find a song you want to download / steal.
start commview and make a filter:

advanced rules:
* formulas

name it anything you want and add the following as filter content:

Code: Select all

click "add/edit" button to add it into list, now make sure its enabled and your rule is chosen and start capturing.

* now on djtunes start the song
* in commview you will get a packet which will look like this:

Code: Select all

GET /ajax_player/stream?p=268&tid=eNqrDAzw9_NVVFbVU9ABABakAug HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110319 Firefox/3.6.16
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 115
Connection: keep-alive
here's your song link:

* add it to, so it would look like this:

Code: Select all
enter it as new URL and GO, it pops up the download window, save it as. it saves the file as "stream" (without extension). just rename it to "whatever.mp3" and it works. however there's more to it. problem is that djtunes splits the music into pieces, you can listen 1m 30s at a time.

so before doing all this, make sure song starts to play from beginning, at bottom where the player appears, click the beginning of the song and the packet that shows up in commview is the one you want. download it and click on next part in the player, next packet will appear and do the same. you end up with 2 - 5 pieces, depending on how long the track is, then use any audio program and put them togheter and you have it.

as said, QUICK guide and not much details. feel free to ask help if you need any. commview usage tutorial is on my wiki, read it if you are lost with commview (no questions about commview here).
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Re: - free download / stealing songs and tracks

Post by oxyy »

Heeey Sethioz.. i trying to download a music as you said.

in your link whe can only see 55secs..but in mine whe can listen 1:31( i think its related of % of the music ) ... 9ABABakAug »»[yourLink] ... 9ABABakAug »»[myLink]

and whe can see that the music length is 5:30.

i tryng to download the new music of Klass ft Calprit - Do What to Do...but i dind't find the link yet..i trying :D
i get the intro preview (1:32 of 5:03) ... JXBgAZrAMR

can you help me?! i'm searching for the full link download.
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Re: - free download / stealing songs and tracks

Post by Sethioz »

i don't understand what you are asking. i have explained everything and you ask for "full link".
what part of "djtunes splits the music into pieces" you do not understand ??
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Re: - free download / stealing songs and tracks

Post by oxyy »

i was just trying by other way..but i think there isn't, as you replied me..
i'm using chrome..and when we open these links, by your link.the time is 1:31 of preview right?! But when the preview ends, the progressbar(at your exemple music) ends at 0:55 (100% of chorme bar).

I just trying to explain that when you open by my link..(just changing some characters of link)..we can preview the 1:31, but when preview ends, the progressbar stop at 1:31(27% of chrome bar) and jump to the end (5:30 - the full music length - 100%).

So i think that we can access not just the splitted song..but the full song. [just thinking]
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Re: - free download / stealing songs and tracks

Post by Sethioz »

chrome is complete shit, thats why it's showing it like that. progress bar has nothing to do with the file. its just loading bar .. duh.
there might be full link, but i doubt, since song is split into pieces.
i only wanted one track from there that i was unable to find on youtube, torrents and eMule. other tracks and songs i can easily rip from youtube, get it from torrents or eMule.
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