Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

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Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by paraxxxito:: »

yesterday after i tested cheathappens trainers i came to the conclusion that theses guys are totally fake so its the avp3 stuff they selling i tested 5 of the promo trainers they offering for sale or as part of a pay membership and none of them worked with my version of the game witch is retail. plus i find really ridiculous charged kids $29.95 (USD) per year or $59.95 lifetime membership for something that not even works! noticed that this is only about avp3 stuff not the rest of the stuff they offer. as a business you spect ppl to update they'r stuff well they dont. at least not avp3. of course we know why they'r trainers dont work i saw alot kids with the complain [my trainer dont work and crash my game]of course kiddies when game updates exe changes they just seeling you obsolete breakpoints and invalid addresses there is not justice in this world anymore lol
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

yes, cheathappens is full of idiots, they can't make anything work and their trainers doesn't even go near what can be found on my forum. those IDIOTS never even test their trainers, they just make, but never test. it is complete mystery for me, how they make a trainer if they don't test.

from my head, i can bring another FAILURE from them, it is Resident Evil 5, my trainer is ONLY working trainer in world for it. reason is simple, resident evil 5 uses xlive and it performs some kind of a check, if something is missing (like an function that trainers nop out), then follows an instant crash or exiting of game. so those retards just put a trainer together without testing. with their trainer you can play about 1-5 minutes and crash.
as usual, i bypassed it by giving huge amount of "whatever you want" instead of nopping.

also cheaphappens idiots was not able to make time hack for RE5.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by MagicalSilence »

1. Money makes world go around
2. Idiots Fill their pockets
3.your idiot if u spend money on CH ^^

they get money off stupid kids and as i see it works just fine for them :))
stuff work/ may not work for some versions its their excuses but do u think they really give a shit thot. everyday i see 1000 idiots spending money on MMO games fakegold sites 18,99$ for 100m etc etc theres always idiot who falls for it :) and makes effort worth it ^^ but CH is bit more bigger community ''idiot fishers with good bait and strong lines ;) since most kids cant hack games/cant bother w/e may be their reason.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by V »

It's sad really to see so many wannabe business people taking the shortcut to quick money instead of long term gains. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to poverty, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to riches, and only a few find it.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

going offtopic, but it actually is offtopic, anyways try to keep it about cheathappens. so as i wanted to say, i even tought about posting about it, but i knew that everybody are too lazy for it. i've been thinking to put cheathappens out of business, for good. either by selling trainers for very small price and 100% warranty or sharing them for free, catch is that im not a trainer maker, i can't bother with that stuff. i have only written few small trainers. if anybody would agree to write trainers i would just make hacks and that somebody would put them into trainer, but that somebody also has to make common things that cheathappens makes, which i honostly have no idea how. like 1 hit kills in any game, i assume it has something to do with "is alive" or "is dead". so when cursor is moved to a target, the value is shown and changed.

i really hate those morons there, they cant make good trainers at all.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Caliber »

we most certainly do not make FAKE trainers. perhaps you can go here:


and we can start a dialogue so i can straighten out whatever it is that has you thinking our trainers suck and that they are FAKE.

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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

as few of you already know, this was discussed in other thread, which is now locked. originally it started HERE.
so as i have repeated many times Cal, cheathappens trainers simply does not work and some of them are detected as trojan or something like that, NOT all, but some, so you can stick your, it is the nature of trainer thing, up your ass. even monkey should know, that if it would be nature of trainer, then ALL trainers in world would get detected as same trojan.

even all CH trainers wont get detected, so there must be something in them. even more, it is a trojan signature, which gets detected, not a nature of trainer. its not general, it was very specific signature, i googled it and found the origin of this signature and it was real trojan. so why would anyone put that into CH trainer ? nonsense !

so Caliber, if you have anything to say for your defence, then say it. and explain this nonsense and fake trainers that havent even been tested properly. RE5 trainer is made by Caliber and it DOES NOT work. Cal you are too stupid to even test your trainer and realize that RE5 is protected by xlive, which will crash the game if theres anything NOPped out. its all documented in my RE5 hacking thread.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

little update, im not sure if they rewrote the RE5 trainer, but lets come back to Resident Evil 5 trainer.
today i wanted to test one thing in their trainer. namely health. it seem to be working without crashing, HOWEVER still untested. if sheva (prolly chris too) is your partner, then she will die from blasts. i cant bother right now, i will update later, but i will test other functions too, because the other RE5 trainer by caliber was very broken, timer didnt work and there were few other things that didnt work and on top of that ammo crashed the game.

very poor performance indeed
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Caliber »

i will respond to this Cheathappens Hate party by saying that:

1) there are NO fake trainers at cheathappens.. wtf are you talking about?
2) nobody and i mean NOBODY puts out more trainers than me and cheathappens
3) we have trainers for games the NOBODY else did (and likely not many COULD do).
4) our trainers are no bigger than many other trainers and certainly not any bigger nor 'flashier' than the crap at this site: --> http://www.sicheats.com/
5) our trainers have NO viruses in them or trojans. feel free to send them to someone who will reverse it and show you the viral or trojan code. as i stated before, the trainers inject code, and read and write into another process, which in some cases sets of heuristic viral signatures. this doesn't mean our trainers are viral NOR that they are TROJANS. our latest template does alot to try and minimize this. if you put out thousands of trainers for thousands of games that are used by hundreds of thousands of people each year like we do, then likely some of your trainers would show up as possibly VIRAL or TROJAN via heuristic searches by overly aggressive antiviral software suites.

cheathappens quite simply makes the best and most trainers for games and gets them to the users more quickly for more versions of games and for LEGIT users of games (not just cracked games) and updates the trainers more quickly and for more versions than anyone.

if you have a dispute with any of those things above, then feel free to post something and i will straighten you out-
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

personally i dont "hate" you or cheathappens, hate is completely different thing, i just dont like a lot about CH and CH trainers and i posted it up in public, maybe you learn from this and make things better.

* i havent said FAKE, i said not working trainers. i can make a new thread and post each and every trainer that does not work. and plz dont say wrong version or something like it, im not some avarage noob who whines without proof.

* Resident Evil 5 trainer is one of them, where ammo causes game to crash. health seem to be working, however theres still functions which you forgot. your partner Sheva is still able to die. for example if she gets hit with one of those rolling stones, she dies, but chris does not die.

* im not talking about file size, i mean the trainer itself. get rid of those pics and flash things in it. it is enought if you put a small text in there, saying "made by Caliber @ cheathappens.com". you dont need to rub it into ppls face like that, this is what annoys me when i use trainers. trainer should be lil small window, with simple interface. like "ON/OFF" button and NO SOUNDS or at least option to turn it off.

* Prototype - everybody who have played it, knows that sounds in prototype are VERY quiet. now when i turned trainer on, it fucking blew my speakers nearly off the table ! thats just GAY. theres 3rd party patch for prototype sound, but before there was no such thing and trainer was extremely annoying to use with those dumb sounds. if you like them so much, at least put option to turn sounds OFF.

heuristic viral signatures - Kasperksy did not detect it as this, it was something else. will post details when i take a look in it

I repeat, if thats the case, then why no other trainer in world gets detected ?
every trainer acts the same way. it wants to take control of your input (zonealarm's alert), in order to make hotkeys working and it injects code into process.
only trainer that gets detected is from cheathappens. most of latest trainers gets detected, but not the older ones.

and most certainly you do not make BEST trainers, because you never test them. you just get the code and just smack it into trainer, without making sure that it works 100% thru the game, from start to end.
for example Resident Evil 4 and 5, you have only BASICS stuff in it, while i have really advanced hacks for RE 4 and 5.
well theoretically you are right, because i dont make trainers, but BEST trainers that i have ever seen, are coming from Racer_S @ tocaedit.com
he dont ask money for trainers and he always adds that awesome "jump" thing into car games, where you can even choose how high you jump.
i will post some details here about the virus. maybe today...no idea.

Caliber, what you think of sharing some of your stuff ? its not a war in here, just some crticism. you ask money for your stuff, im not stopping you. but i dont think it changes anything if you post some of your methods. theres not many ppl out there who are even able to follow those tutorials.
i personally would like to know, how you make "one hit kill" hack. i think it has something to do with character being on screen, like when it gets detected by your PoV (point of view), then it sets their health on 0.1% or to 0% when mouse moves over.
anyways, if you feel like sharing some stuff, feel free to post it up > http://sethioz.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=49
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »


is detected as Trojan.Win32.Buzus.feji

if it is because it opens process and writes/reads from/to process, then why all other trainers (like from pizzadox, racer_s...etc) are not detected as same ? their trainers inject the code in same way.
if it really is what you say it is, then why not change your method ??? because every common user (client to you), will delete it as soon as they see it. also 90% of common pc users have their AV set to automatic treatment.

now if you google, you find out that "Trojan.Win32.Buzus.*" in general is not dangerous to your pc, it is more like information gathering gadget, which on your case would make sense.
it can be email spammer - gathers informations from pc (emails) and then spams all of those emails with some commercials (cheathappens prolly).
can also be:
* Creates a startup registry entry.
* Registers a Winlogon notification package so that the installed module is loaded into the address space of winlogon.exe.
any more, but in general its a spamming malware.

this specific alert has NOTHING to do with the characteristics of trainer.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

another update, i took a quick look into that star wars trainer. first of, it doesnt even run if you dont have game running, thats very stupid and well this log should speak for itself.

Code: Select all

383	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
384	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	DIRECTORY	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: SWF.exe	
385	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
386	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	DIRECTORY	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: SWF.exe	
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388	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
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390	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
391	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
392	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
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417	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
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420	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	DIRECTORY	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: SWF.exe	
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423	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
424	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
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426	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
427	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	DIRECTORY	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: SWF.exe	
428	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
429	3:00:47 AM	explorer.exe:1956	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
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437	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 1228800 Length: 16384	
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442	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMCTL32.dll	SUCCESS		
443	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	BUFFER OVERFLOW	FileNameInformation	
444	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
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446	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	SET INFORMATION 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\software.LOG	SUCCESS	Length: 8192	
447	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 001200A9	
448	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll	SUCCESS	Length: 8461312	
449	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll.124.Manifest	NOT FOUND	Options: Open  Access: 001200A9	
450	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll.124.Config	NOT FOUND	Options: Open  Access: 001200A9	
451	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll	SUCCESS		
452	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe.Local\	NOT FOUND	Attributes: Error	
453	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83	SUCCESS	Attributes: D	
454	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100020	
455	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
456	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS	Length: 1054208	
457	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS		
458	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
459	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS		
460	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS	Attributes: RHA	
461	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
462	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS	Length: 749	
463	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS		
464	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS	Attributes: RHA	
465	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
466	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS	Length: 749	
467	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS		
468	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 001200A9	
469	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS	Length: 749	
470	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS	Length: 749	
471	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Config	NOT FOUND	Options: Open  Access: 001200A9	
472	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\WindowsShell.Manifest	SUCCESS		
473	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 1024 Length: 17920	
474	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 18944 Length: 32768	
475	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 1306624 Length: 12800	
476	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 51712 Length: 19456	
477	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcss.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
478	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcss.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
479	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcss.dll	SUCCESS	Length: 399360	
480	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcss.dll	SUCCESS		
481	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
482	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
483	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Length: 218624	
484	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS		
485	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
486	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
487	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS		
488	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
489	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
490	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
491	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Program Files\ardamax\CLE.006	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
492	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\Program Files\ardamax\CLE.006	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
493	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Program Files\ardamax\CLE.006	SUCCESS	Length: 8192	
494	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\Program Files\ardamax\CLE.006	SUCCESS		
495	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Program Files\ardamax\CLE.006	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
496	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\Program Files\ardamax\CLE.006	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
497	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\Program Files\ardamax\CLE.006	SUCCESS		
498	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 71168 Length: 6656	
499	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
500	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\DSOUND.DLL	NOT FOUND	Attributes: Error	
501	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
502	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
503	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Length: 367616	
504	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Offset: 0 Length: 4096	
505	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS		
506	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Offset: 354304 Length: 1536	
507	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Offset: 316416 Length: 30720	
508	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Offset: 1024 Length: 32768	
509	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\WINMM.dll	NOT FOUND	Attributes: Error	
510	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
511	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
512	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll	SUCCESS		
513	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Offset: 128000 Length: 32768	
514	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Offset: 347136 Length: 7168	
515	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Offset: 54272 Length: 32768	
516	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Offset: 87040 Length: 32768	
517	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
518	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
519	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 0 Length: 64	
520	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 128 Length: 248	
521	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
522	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS		
523	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system	SUCCESS	Offset: 184320 Length: 4096	
524	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	Offset: 33792 Length: 20480	
525	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 405504 Length: 16384	
526	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 492544 Length: 32768	
527	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
528	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
529	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Length: 80384	
530	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS		
531	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 0 Length: 32768	
532	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
533	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
534	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Length: 80384	
535	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS		
536	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 74240 Length: 3072	
537	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\WINSTA.dll	NOT FOUND	Attributes: Error	
538	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSTA.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
539	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSTA.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
540	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSTA.dll	SUCCESS		
541	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\WTSAPI32.dll	NOT FOUND	Attributes: Error	
542	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WTSAPI32.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
543	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WTSAPI32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
544	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\WTSAPI32.dll	SUCCESS		
545	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SETUPAPI.dll	NOT FOUND	Attributes: Error	
546	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
547	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
548	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll	SUCCESS		
549	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 9216 Length: 32768	
550	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 73728 Length: 512	
551	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS	Attributes: D	
552	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 41984 Length: 31744	
553	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\faultrep.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 1024 Length: 8192	
554	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 455680 Length: 32768	
555	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32	NOT FOUND	Attributes: Error	
556	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
557	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
558	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 001000A1	
559	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 45568	
560	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 0 Length: 4096	
561	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
562	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
563	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll	SUCCESS	Length: 125952	
564	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll	SUCCESS		
565	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
566	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
567	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\Apphelp.dll	SUCCESS		
568	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
569	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb	SUCCESS	Length: 1202774	
570	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb	SUCCESS	Length: 1202774	
571	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb	SUCCESS	Length: 1202774	
572	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\systest.sdb	NOT FOUND	Options: Open  Access: Read	
573	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
574	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: drwtsn32.exe	
575	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS		
576	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
577	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
578	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: WINDOWS	
579	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\	SUCCESS		
580	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
581	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: system32	
582	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS		
583	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
584	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: drwtsn32.exe	
585	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS		
586	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb	SUCCESS	Offset: 147456 Length: 32768	
587	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb	SUCCESS	Offset: 819200 Length: 32768	
588	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
589	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
590	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
591	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 45568	
592	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS		
593	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 0 Length: 32768	
594	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
595	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
596	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 45568	
597	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS		
598	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 32768 Length: 16384	
599	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
600	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
601	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 45568	
602	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS		
603	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
604	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
605	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 45568	
606	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS		
607	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
608	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
609	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: WINDOWS	
610	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\	SUCCESS		
611	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
612	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: system32	
613	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS		
614	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
615	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: drwtsn32.exe	
616	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS		
617	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\sysmain.sdb	SUCCESS		
618	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
619	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
620	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
621	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: WINDOWS	
622	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\	SUCCESS		
623	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
624	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: system32	
625	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\	SUCCESS		
626	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS	Options: Open Directory  Access: 00100001	
627	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	DIRECTORY	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: drwtsn32.exe	
628	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\	SUCCESS		
629	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 45568	
630	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 45568	
631	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe.Manifest	NOT FOUND	Options: Open  Access: 001200A9	
632	3:00:47 AM	SWF.exe:856	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\system32\drwtsn32.exe	SUCCESS		
633	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
634	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
635	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
636	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
637	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
638	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
639	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
640	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
641	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
642	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
643	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
644	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
645	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
646	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
647	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
648	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
649	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
650	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
651	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
652	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
653	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
654	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
655	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
656	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
657	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
658	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
659	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
660	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
661	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
662	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
663	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Program Files\ardamax\CLE.006	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
664	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\Program Files\ardamax\CLE.006	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
665	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\DSOUND.DLL	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
666	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
667	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\version.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
668	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\version.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
669	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\winmm.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
670	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\winmm.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
671	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll	SUCCESS	FileNameInformation	
672	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
673	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	READ 	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 128 Length: 4	
674	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	READ	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 128 Length: 264	
675	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	READ	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Offset: 376 Length: 200	
676	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 488448 Length: 12288	
677	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 529408 Length: 8704	
678	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 455680 Length: 7168	
679	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 467968 Length: 9728	
680	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 533504 Length: 2048	
681	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 50176 Length: 512	
682	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 271360 Length: 1536	
683	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 386048 Length: 5120	
684	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 1172480 Length: 4096	
685	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 2081792 Length: 6656	
686	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 439296 Length: 3072	
687	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 193536 Length: 512	
688	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\winmm.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 123904 Length: 3584	
689	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 115712 Length: 1536	
690	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:856	READ 	C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll	SUCCESS	Offset: 394240 Length: 32768	
691	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
692	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
693	3:00:48 AM	SWF.exe:1096	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83	SUCCESS		
694	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
695	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
696	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
697	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	CLOSE	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS		
698	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
699	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
700	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
701	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	CLOSE	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS		
702	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
703	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00100020	
704	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
705	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	CLOSE	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS		
706	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
707	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
708	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
709	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	CLOSE	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS		
710	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	OPEN	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: Read	
711	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Attributes: A	
712	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	DIRECTORY	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\	SUCCESS	FileBothDirectoryInformation: SWF.exe	
713	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
714	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	QUERY INFORMATION	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS	Length: 1319424	
715	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	CLOSE	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS		
716	3:00:48 AM	drwtsn32.exe:1096	CLOSE	C:\Documents and Settings\Magical\Desktop\SWF.exe	SUCCESS		
717	3:00:48 AM	svchost.exe:1304	OPEN	C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\SWF.EXE-16BB8001.pf	NOT FOUND	Options: Open  Access: Read	
719	3:00:48 AM	svchost.exe:1304	OPEN	C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MAGICAL\DESKTOP\SWF.EXE	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00020088	
722	3:00:48 AM	svchost.exe:1304	CREATE	C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\SWF.EXE-16BB8001.pf	SUCCESS	Options: OverwriteIf  Access: 0012019F	
723	3:00:48 AM	svchost.exe:1304	WRITE 	C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\SWF.EXE-16BB8001.pf	SUCCESS	Offset: 0 Length: 13800	
724	3:00:48 AM	svchost.exe:1304	CLOSE	C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\SWF.EXE-16BB8001.pf	SUCCESS		
726	3:00:48 AM	svchost.exe:1304	OPEN	C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\MAGICAL\DESKTOP\SWF.EXE	SUCCESS	Options: Open  Access: 00020088	

now, why your trainer fucks with svchost.exe ? it is known to be used by malicious programs, just like a email spammer. which gathers information from your explorer and then starts spamming emails it finds via svchost.exe.
so cut the bullshit Caliber, no trainer needs to communicate with svchost.exe. thats crap fella.

to make post shorter, i have attached both, this LOG and a log from my trainer.
test was made in an CLEAN virtual machine, which means that both trainers were there for the first time. just a clean windows XP install and few programs to help me transfer between pc <> virtual
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Caliber »

to answer your stupid questions

1) is detected as Trojan.Win32.Buzus.feji

there is no trojan in our trainer. have your antivirus company respond to you and prove that it does. it's a false positive due to heuristic signatures.
that trainer is using older template. try our trainer for force unleashed 2 which has less heuristic signatures and is based off of our newest template.
either way comparing the signature of our trainers which is in thousands upon thousands of files of legit online websites to the relatively miniscule posting of other trainers
which are usualy on warez or illegal downloads sites just means that our template is exposed to people sending to jotti and etc. for a scan. more scans== more evaluation
and this leads to being possibly classified as viral BASED ON SIGNATURES ALONE since there is NO actual threat from our softwares.

2) now, why your trainer fucks with svchost.exe ?

my trainer has nothing to do with svchost.exe. show the exact code by reversing that does this. there is nothing in our trainer that launches or attaches to svchost.exe

3) first of, it doesnt even run if you dont have game running?

none of my trainers will fail to launch if no game is running. the trainer launches and only detects the game if you press F1 as the instructions state. all 1000 of my trainers work this way.

4) i can make a new thread and post each and every trainer that does not work.

please do sherlock. and make sure to post a better and working trainer along side it and how many days/weeks later that other trainer came out.

5) Resident Evil 5 trainer is one of them, where ammo causes game to crash. health seem to be working, however theres still functions which you forgot. your partner Sheva is still able to die. for example if she gets hit with one of those rolling stones, she dies, but chris does not die.

i dont even have this game installed any longer. looks like the game came out in Sep 13, 2009. is there a bunch of 'working, better' trainers for this game? also, what version of the game is out. also, functions that 'i forgot'? wtf does that mean? are you bashing options that i didn't even create or something?

6) get rid of those pics and flash things in it.

this is a business with particular branding and presentation. this is how we choose to release our work. it has everything a trainer SHOULD have in it. sounds give important feedback when things occur.

7) and most certainly you do not make BEST trainers, because you never test them.

this is just moronic. you keep going back to resident evil 5 like it's the end all of games or something. is this the only game you play or tried to hack or something? do you realize how many epic trainers I have done since september of last year? there is NO BETTER SITE producing, updating, and supporting trainers period. are there great trainer programmers? of course! i am not bashing any of them. they know who they are. many of them produce content on cheatscapes.com with us.

8) i personally would like to know, how you make "one hit kill" hack.

isolate player health. log code that accesses that address. log addresses passing through that code. make sure that the code area you choose is PLAYER ONLY. next log code that WRITES to player address when damaged. so we have:

code that reads player health ONLY
code that WRITES to player health when damaged

the code that reads the player health is usually something like mov eax, dword ptr ds:[esi+9C] or fld dword ptr ds:[esi+9c] depending on long or float
and for damage is usually mov dword ptr ds:[esi+9c], eax or fstp dword ptr ds:[esi+9c]

so you save the base of the read health player only struct (in this case the ESI part of ESI+9c] at the read player health code (i.e. mov [save], esi
then you do a compare of that during the damage code and skip past damage if player or set health to 0 if NOT player (i.e. cmp esi, [save] ; je [end] ; mov dword ptr ds:[esi+9c],0 ; [end]

i can explain more if you truly are interested and am not yanking my chain for something this routine...

9) but BEST trainers that i have ever seen, are coming from Racer_S @ tocaedit.com

i have never heard of him. i am sure that if he knew that he could make substantial money for his work and time he would be interested in doing his work for some benefit. however, i don't begrudge people who make their work for free. unfortunately i dont' get the same kindness. www.cheatscapes.com is our sister site and we host trainers for dozens of people who want to make money for their work and effort.

10) another update, i took a quick look into that star wars trainer. first of, it doesnt even run if you dont have game running, thats very stupid and well this log should speak for itself.

wtf IS this log? i have never seen anything like it. what is this suppsoed to be showing our trainer doing? i dont get it.

10b) so cut the bullshit Caliber, no trainer needs to communicate with svchost.exe. thats crap fella.

i agree. and our trainer doesn't do anything TO svchost.exe and there's nothing VIRAL in our trainers. your log makes no sense to me. svchost.exe is used by a zillion things in windows. i have no idea what your log is trying to show unless it is the simple commands to check for files over the internet on our server (user banned, etc.). i can send you the api calls but you can look them up yourself in a debugger if you have a legit trainer from our site, since our trainers are pretty much unprotected from debugging.

11) I repeat, if thats the case, then why no other trainer in world gets detected ? every trainer acts the same way. it wants to take control of your input (zonealarm's alert), in order to make hotkeys working and it injects code into process.
only trainer that gets detected is from cheathappens. most of latest trainers gets detected, but not the older ones.

this is simply not true. brewers had several of their trainers get detected as viruses. i know this because i sent the info to veggy from brewers myself after he went off on cheathappens in gamehacking.com forum. contact brewers and see if i am making this up. also, i have had LEGITIMATE GAMES not run due to 'virus' which was due to their packing schemes or some other thing. our trainers DONT always do the same things as alot of other trainers as we are reading online to make sure that the user is not banned and also checking for internet connection, scrambling code, obfuscation, code injection, code copying, etc. because our work is encrypted with user information so we can kill trainers and trace who shared it illegally, etc.. also my antivirus shows cheatengine .exe as a virus. our latest template as of the last several months is more likely to NOT get flagged as viral, however I have to update the template from time to time due to the over bearing and false positive nature of the antiviral programs. my hotkeys api call is simply getasychkeystate(). debug and look it up yourself.

12) for example Resident Evil 4 and 5, you have only BASICS stuff in it, while i have really advanced hacks for RE 4 and 5.

well great! maybe there was 5 other games out at the same time and 20 patches that week. i am sorry i didnt' devote more time into resident evil 5 and make it a mega trainer. the game for all intents and purposes was a blah based on the interest from our site at the time. and btw, it looks like your starcraft II trainer sucks, and your deathspank trainer crashes steam, and your mafia II trainer doesn't work on legit steam, and your need for speed hot pursuit trainer isnt out yet, etc. etc.. oh, my bad....

13) i dont know if you or some other cornball made a posting on our site regarding sicheats but it was moronic if you did. sicheats didn't even have a trainer for the game the posting was made. if it wasnt you or someone here then ignore this-

good evening.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

1. i did just that, i annoyed Kaspersky again. sent them the link and info, but dont expect response. i have been annoying them for 2-3 years by now, with Luigi's tools > http://aluigi.org
he makes great tools, but anti-viruses fuck them over all the time, so i kept sending them to analyses and finally they stopped responding, cuz they couldnt bother to remove them from their blacklist ... how lame is that ?

2. this LOG, is a disk access log recorded using filemon (im surprised you dont even know about such methods). i set the filter to capture ONLY yourtrainer.exe. i simply changed name of your trainer to SWF.exe. so your trainer is called SWF.exe in that log. you can see clearly, that it communicates with svchost.exe

3. i can make a video that your trainer does not run without game being installed. however its in my virtual machine, so there might be something missing, but why no error then ? why it doesnt say anything, it just disappears. it might be some .NET framework or similiar, but its still annoying that it even needs any of that shit. simple trainers should always run on a basic, minimal systems, but yours does not.

4. it makes no difference when or how many trainers came out. if you make a trainer, make 100% sure that it works ! and under works, i mean that it works thru whole game, not just one part of game.
takes effort, YES, but thats the whole point of FREE vs payed. you wanna just get trainer out to get some money off of it, so you dont really care if it fucks up later or not.

5. About RE5 and BEST trainers.
lets go back to Dead Space then, where your trainer also crashed a game, because game had some check on it. it did not crash instantly, it took like 10 - 20 mins, but it DID crash.
tried to hack ??? Caliber dude, you REALLY need to check my hacks thread and wiki.
ok lets take Aliens vs Predator 2, Aliens vs Predator 2010, World Rally Championship 2010, RE4, Dead Space (where i made UNIQUE weapon hacks, made linegun bigger and stronger and such), Juiced and so on, where i have made UNIQUE hacks, which nobody else have ever managed to make.
in AvP2 and AvP2010, i STILL hold the hacks that have never been made by anybody else. i keep them secret, so some tard cant steal it and say " I DID IT". AvP2 is over 10 years old and still nobody have managed to make it, theres ppl still coming to pm me and ask .. plzplz PLZZZ can i have it. its a dead game (no master servers anymore), but ppl still want it so badly, its wireframes and invisibility hack, that works online.
and about RE4 and RE5, because i honostly think that you couldnt come up with such things, you make different kind of hacks, which i call covering the basics > health, ammo, jump, speed ...etc, but nothing advanced, like making your pistol shoot nukes ..etc

6. Yes it would be awesome if you could drop a tutorial into Game Hacking
i already understood what you mean, in short game should use same function for player health and enemys/others ? so if its not player, set health to 0 or like close to 0 ? what game you suggest to test on ? something small and old ?
and no, im not messing around. in fact if you make it good, i will post it up on wiki and put your name under it (if you agree)

7. he dont make much, but he makes them good. on his field, he is one of a kind. he is not really hacker or trainer maker, mostly he does things like "FoV hack". he also made a unique, 360 emulator, which allows you to use your own controller in GAY games which dont allow anything but this microshitsoft 360 controller. that tool from him is just perfect. he have made other awesome projects too, you can check his site http://www.tocaedit.com

8. about svchost.exe and trojan again, if it isnt, then why use that "signature" ? simply change your method to put a trainer together and get rid of such alerts. as i said, theres tons of trainers out there that does trigger an alert, but has everything in it.

9. no, i have not made any posts on your site. so consider it ignored.

10. what about those sounds, why not simply add option to disable them ? you like them, maybe somebody else too, but i assure you that most ppl do not like them.

* i did not made this thread, as you see, i just speak along, but fact is, that i HAVE got "fake" trainers from CE.
fake means that its meant not to work, so cant really say fake. i will say not properly working trainers, those i have got and more than just one.
obviously i always check if game version is same as the trainer is for, but doesnt work. sometimes trainer completely ignores everything and nothing works, but in most cases, theres single options that fuck up completely.
* One of the members on my forum, also said that "DarkStar One" trainer does not work at all. i have darkstar one, but havent tested your trainer/s.

and as about making money...i could sell my UNIQUE hacks for good money, but i cant really see the point. im not exactly millionaire and always could use some extra, but after all, it feels good to be the only one who has some unique hack that nobody else have ever made :)
you can see my RE5 hacks here > http://sethioz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=524
i could drop all that into a super trainer, but i cant bother. i do PoCs only. and im quite sure you are wrong about Racer_S, i havent talked to him about any of that, but he is not the type who would ask money for his research, which he likes to do.
like Luigi for example, he is not interested of making money out of his research. he have said it more than once and in public.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Caliber »

1) i set the filter to capture ONLY yourtrainer.exe. i simply changed name of your trainer to SWF.exe. so your trainer is called SWF.exe in that log. you can see clearly, that it communicates with svchost.exe

do you even know what your 'logger' is logging? your logger is 'logging' when the trainer iterates through the list of all running processes trying to find a match for the name of the game (.exe named SWTFU.exe in this case), .i.e API calls dealing with CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(). do a search. all of those processes are running on your computer. the trainer merely collects the list, iterates through them, and notes the processID. there's also a loop to log all the modules of a process after the game has been located and ID'd. lolz. we aren't 'doing' anything to svchost.exe you idiot=

2) i can make a video that your trainer does not run without game being installed. however its in my virtual machine, so there might be something missing, but why no error then ? why it doesnt say anything, it just disappears. it might be some .NET framework or similiar, but its still annoying that it even needs any of that shit. simple trainers should always run on a basic, minimal systems, but yours does not.

the trainer is the simplest of programs. i have no idea if it runs in a virtual machine as i have not tested that. but why would it not? also, nobody will use it in a virtual machine since 99.99% of games dont run in one.

3) tried to hack ??? Caliber dude, you REALLY need to check my hacks thread and wiki.
ok lets take Aliens vs Predator 2, Aliens vs Predator 2010, World Rally Championship 2010, RE4, Dead Space (where i made UNIQUE weapon hacks, made linegun bigger and stronger and such), Juiced and so on, where i have made UNIQUE hacks, which nobody else have ever managed to make.
in AvP2 and AvP2010, i STILL hold the hacks that have never been made by anybody else. i keep them secret, so some tard cant steal it and say " I DID IT". AvP2 is over 10 years old and still nobody have managed to make it, theres ppl still coming to pm me and ask .. plzplz PLZZZ can i have it. its a dead game (no master servers anymore), but ppl still want it so badly, its wireframes and invisibility hack, that works online.
and about RE4 and RE5, because i honostly think that you couldnt come up with such things, you make different kind of hacks, which i call covering the basics > health, ammo, jump, speed ...etc, but nothing advanced, like making your pistol shoot nukes ..etc

dude. listing older games that you probably spent weeks trying to hack is notable. good for you. cheathappens is about getting several needed options to the users within HOURS of the game release and then adding more options as time permits on bigger titles. sometimes i can crank out a +10 or +15 in that same time frame. i am not bashing your hacks. i am simply pointing out that your trainers on 5 titles doesn't come close to matching the output of our trainer load over the same time frame. you can't and won't match us because it would be time prohibitive to do it for 'free', especially if you have to buy 5 versions of the game and patch them all up regularly, etc. my list of trainers completed speaks for itself. go read comments on 99% of the boards. we are legendary.

4) i already understood what you mean, in short game should use same function for player health and enemys/others ?

no there is a function to display player health (usually) that allows you to get the base of the struct holding the player's health. this would be ESI in our example.
then there is a function used by ALL entities that take damage.
you compare the base of the player struct with the base of the address going through the damage and if they are identical, then the player is ignored for super health, or if it is NOT identical then the value is set to zero or near zero for all other entities.

5) about svchost.exe and trojan again, if it isnt, then why use that "signature" ? simply change your method to put a trainer together and get rid of such alerts. as i said, theres tons of trainers out there that does trigger an alert, but has everything in it.

you make it sound so.. easy... i just can't imagine why i haven't thought of that.. (note the sarcasm)

6) i could drop all that into a super trainer, but i cant bother.

yes you could but unfortunately you dont see the worth of your own skills (if it does in fact work).

thanks for the replies and discussion. i am off to work-

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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

1. Caliber dude, this is not a memory scanner i was using, it is a DISK ACCESS logger. check it up on google, what filemon and procmon are. and its complete log. i defiently had not only svchost.exe and explorer.exe running, theres way more processes running. trainer should only check running processes as you said, not files stored on hard disk.

2. i wasnt referring that it cant run in virtual machine, i was saying that its basic windows there, without any .NET framework and such. so it MIGHT be cause. trainer should still give some sort of error then, not just disappear.

3. cant bother argueing, your boards may talk one thing, but again, cheathappens removes all negative posts/comments or where somebody says that "OMG this guy (link) has way better hacks/trainer".
on my case, google speaks for itself. when you google for "wrc 2010 hacks" or like "avp 2010 hacks" my site, forum and wiki are on first place.
while when i google for "game name trainer", very often cheathappens is NOT on the first place.

THATS exactly the problem, you just smack trainer together in few hours and sell it, wtihout proper testing. you just admitted it. in few hours you cant even complete a game and make a proper test. this is exactly the reason why i hate such sites. ppl just smack some shit into trainer without testing, jsut to get it OUT THERE and make some money out of it, without careing that ppl pay for it and then get non-working shit.

4. thats what i meant. well more or less, just couldnt explain it exactly.
but it doesnt work in games where health is not handled the same way for player and enemys ?

5. well it is easy, i have released only 2 (i think) trainers, because there wasnt any trainer out there for the game at that time. one was RE5 and other dead space. my trainers inject code and have hotkeys, but they dont get detected by anything.
very easy and simple

6. i just dont see the point in it, but im not saying NO either. things change, ppl change.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Caliber »

you are just wrong with your logger. i am not accessing any processes. all i am doing is iterating through them all to get to the .exe we need. here is the procedures:

Code: Select all

#TH32CS_INHERIT = $80000000 
#MAX_PATH = 260 
#PROCESS32LIB = 9999 
#PSAPI = 9998 

Procedure.s ExePath(); - Return the path and name of the running execute 

  Prg.s = Space(#MAX_PATH+1) 
  GetModuleFileName_(GetModuleHandle_(0), @Prg, #MAX_PATH) 
  ProcedureReturn Prg 

Procedure GetPID(ProgramName$)

FileName.s = GetFilePart(ExePath()) 

If OpenLibrary (#PROCESS32LIB, "kernel32.dll") 

  snap = CallFunction (#PROCESS32LIB, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", #TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0) 
  If snap 
    Define.PROCESSENTRY32 Proc32 
    Proc32\dwSize = SizeOf (PROCESSENTRY32) 
    If CallFunction (#PROCESS32LIB, "Process32First", snap, @Proc32) 

      While CallFunction (#PROCESS32LIB, "Process32Next", snap, @Proc32) 
        If PeekS (@Proc32\szExeFile)<>FileName.s 

          program$ = PeekS (@Proc32\szExeFile)
          ;Debug program$
            If UCase(program$)=UCase(ProgramName$)

              hWnd = Proc32\th32ProcessID ;hWnd has ProcessID
              ProcedureReturn hWnd
    CloseHandle_ (snap) 
  CloseLibrary (#PROCESS32LIB) 


your logger isn't showing viral activity. it's showing these normal api calls doing their job.

2) regarding net framework, etc., my trainers don't need anything special running, so i have no idea why it wont run on a virtual machine.

3) have you tried your aliens vs predator 2010 hacks on NON-CRACKED versions of the game (i.e. fully purchased RETAIL version on STEAM)? i have not tried your trainer but as far as i know our trainer is the only one that works on NON-CRACKED copies of the game, which is a significant number of users. this is why i didn't make 20 bazillion options for the game because it takes significant work to hide the game trainer options FROM the AVP STEAM trigger scanners which crash the game if it detects any code or memory manipulation. people who dont buy the game or use the cracked versions dont have to deal with this sort of thing. however, trainer makers that don't deal with the game protections have non-working trainers in the real actual working .exe.

4) i just googled aliens vs predator 2010 trainer.. i don't see you anywhere... cheathappens is 2 and 3 and actually IS 1 if you go to that link (since our trainers are all listed there).

5) you just smack trainer together in few hours and sell it, wtihout proper testing.

of course i test them. i just cannot play for 48 hours or more to check if gun 'x' doesn't work if you shoot a npc 'y' while standing on box 'z', etc. our trainers compete with anything out there. are there occasionally better trainers than ours? of course. are some trainers released quicker than ours? not often, but yes it does happen. do i make mistakes? of course.. and so do you. we take any feedback or suggestions and run with them if we confirm problems or see options that need to be added. our trainers being called 'non-working shit' is something i don't see posted on our site ever. is there some other trainer site that you want me to see that is somehow better?

6) when did you release your resident evil trainer and your dead space trainers? are you sure we didn't have trainers out for these games?

at any rate, i came here to get in your face regarding your comments:
Fake trainers for sale cheathappens
by paraxxxito:: » Wed May 05, 2010 11:17 pm

yesterday after i tested cheathappens trainers i came to the conclusion that theses guys are totally fake so its the avp3 stuff they selling i tested 5 of the promo trainers they offering for sale or as part of a pay membership and none of them worked with my version of the game witch is retail. plus i find really ridiculous charged kids $29.95 (USD) per year or $59.95 lifetime membership for something that not even works! noticed that this is only about avp3 stuff not the rest of the stuff they offer. as a business you spect ppl to update they'r stuff well they dont. at least not avp3. of course we know why they'r trainers dont work i saw alot kids with the complain [my trainer dont work and crash my game]of course kiddies when game updates exe changes they just seeling you obsolete breakpoints and invalid addresses there is not justice in this world anymore lol

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by Sethioz » Thu May 06, 2010 12:39 am

yes, cheathappens is full of idiots, they can't make anything work and their trainers doesn't even go near what can be found on my forum. those IDIOTS never even test their trainers, they just make, but never test. it is complete mystery for me, how they make a trainer if they don't test.

from my head, i can bring another FAILURE from them, it is Resident Evil 5, my trainer is ONLY working trainer in world for it. reason is simple, resident evil 5 uses xlive and it performs some kind of a check, if something is missing (like an function that trainers nop out), then follows an instant crash or exiting of game. so those retards just put a trainer together without testing. with their trainer you can play about 1-5 minutes and crash.
as usual, i bypassed it by giving huge amount of "whatever you want" instead of nopping.

also cheaphappens idiots was not able to make time hack for RE5..
your comments regarding xlive and us not knowing about it is a joke. we posted about the xlive scanners when halo came out for PC 3 years ago (xlive.dll). we were the first to kill the scanner in our trainers and then psych from extalia posted the solution on cheatengine.org some months later.

we don't use NOPS for all the options.. christ-
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

* it is not my logger, its called filemon (procmon is similiar). google and see.

* yes OFCOURSE. its all documented on my wiki. all of my hacks were made using a legal copy. i dont buy games, i steal them :) (and it wasnt a joke, look deeper on my forum and you'll see what i mean). i have NO IDEA what you talking about, because avp2010 does not have such check, only if you freezed value for too long. i was able to do anything i wanted in there, look at the videos ffs and the hack discussion thread here > http://sethioz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=644
cmon Caliber fella you aint stupid, just take a look around.

* i said "avp 2010 hacks" not trainer. those youtube videos are mine too btw (on first place)
aliens vs predator 2010 hacks - Google Search_1290030086828.png
aliens vs predator 2010 hacks - Google Search_1290030086828.png (33.07 KiB) Viewed 37670 times
* i already said, i do not make trainers. take a look around fella. havent you noticed any of my hacks ??? and not only game hacks, but computer hacks, cracking networks, stealing DSL line, loads of stolen accounts posted in public (by me), including paypals and steams and such. its all public, all you need to to do is look.
dead space, you had the unlimited members probably, but cant remember, i dont think you had it. i only put ammo in there tho, nothing more.
heres my RE5 hacks discussion > http://sethioz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=524

you REALLY need to take a look around before saying those horrible things :)
and check your PM

quote from CE site, under your name in about us.
while also implementing a new tracking scheme to protect the trainers from being misused
tracking scheme ??? why the fuck you need to track something, that explains why your trainers are detected as trojan, because it tracks something. whatever it is, thats called spying on clients/ppl.
what is it anyway ? what does it mean "from being misused". misused how ?? online ? make copys of it ? sharing ? what does it protect the trainer from.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Caliber »

i replied to your message.

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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

yup i saw, just didnt want any of that in public. however we can still discuss other stuff in public. like the svchost.exe thing and the tracking system, which you explained in PM.
i have to say that my opinion about you has defiently changed, but this svchost.exe and trojan alert thing still bugs me.
typical is that kaspersky havent replied to me. anyone else want to try ??? i think they have blocked my address after about 50 false positive emails.
their mail for reporting new viruses and possible/confirmed false positives is > [email protected]

you have to provide them with the download link and as much info as you can. if its not dangerous and is what you said it is, then they have to remove it from their blacklist.

Caliber, specially for you. if your trainers are completely harmless as you say (to your pc and private information), then you should really contact Kaspersky and possibily others too and let them get their facts straight. lot of Luigi's tools get detected too and its just lame.
i really want to see what kaspersky has to say about it. will they blame it on you, that you have used some malicious code to make some checks/tracking or will they say its false positive and remove it from their list .. or just ignore the mail.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Caliber »

Sethioz wrote:yup i saw, just didnt want any of that in public. however we can still discuss other stuff in public. like the svchost.exe thing and the tracking system, which you explained in PM.
i have to say that my opinion about you has defiently changed, but this svchost.exe and trojan alert thing still bugs me.
typical is that kaspersky havent replied to me. anyone else want to try ??? i think they have blocked my address after about 50 false positive emails.
their mail for reporting new viruses and possible/confirmed false positives is > [email protected]

you have to provide them with the download link and as much info as you can. if its not dangerous and is what you said it is, then they have to remove it from their blacklist.

Caliber, specially for you. if your trainers are completely harmless as you say (to your pc and private information), then you should really contact Kaspersky and possibily others too and let them get their facts straight. lot of Luigi's tools get detected too and its just lame.
i really want to see what kaspersky has to say about it. will they blame it on you, that you have used some malicious code to make some checks/tracking or will they say its false positive and remove it from their list .. or just ignore the mail.

we have a specific person who deals with all of these situations (false postives with antivirus packages). unfortunately even though we are a legit business with no warez or 'scene' underpinnings, our trainers get lumped into the same black 'hole' of warez and 'scene' programs where there is alot of malicious software or software that is not 'safe' or is 'illegal'. our experience with these antiviral people is that they wont do anything unless you are activision or blizzard or some huge studio and they are contacted by lawyers with threat of action. as i said, their detections are based on heuristic scanning (detecting a series of bytes or a memread with crc checks in small areas of .exe to determine 'possible' viral activity by a program). this isn't the same as CONFIRMED VIRUS in a program, only that it has similar code in small sections that is found in some other viral signatures. since viruses attach to other programs, read and write to process memory, and try to 'protect' themselves from disassembly or debugging, then of course our trainers are going to have similar code snippets.

i appreciate the suggestions and we are doing all we can to try and minimize the antivirus false postitives. our latest template is much more less prone (per trainer) to put out antiviral heuristic scan flags. i change it as needed to try and keep it from doing that. bigger trainer titles (especially our promos) have alot more people downloading and submitting our trainers to jotti and other sources to confirm that they are safe, and unfortunately even though they are safe (and reported as so), when jotti and other places get a ton of the same .exe they begin to scan those files more closely and you can see that they begin to flag those bits of our program that deals with read/write process and protections built into our trainer .exe's, and thus we get send to various antiviral companies as 'possible' signatures for this or that virus. it's stupid really, but is an unfortunate casualty to the reality that antivirus stuff has to be proactive to signatures to be more effective. if you run a program for the first time and it's not in the virus vault then you have no defense against it if it is a virus. however, if that virus has a signature and it's similar to other viruses, then heuristic scanning can save you from possible virus infection, but this also flags non-viral programs with similar code as viral.

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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

as i said, kaspersky blocked my email or just ignoring, cuz i sent them confirmed false positives from Luigi's site.
how can a proxy data pipe be a virus ??? they say its dangerous blablabla.

my conclusion about CE trainers, is tht its justified actually. i agree that malicious program is what is meant to do harm, but again you cant argue over it. its only point of view. there is no right and wrong in world. what is right for one person is wrong for other.
what im saying, is that your trainers have this tracking system as you explained. so basically, you can make it grab any information you want, right ?
it doesnt really matter if its for bad intentions or protective (to protect trainer). what matters, is that it CAN do it, thats why its detected as trojan.

its like, if you hack into bank, but you dont steal anything, you still get busted for that. they bust you only cuz you was able to. government cant stand ppl with more power than they. its same with virus companys. if program acts like virus, but for good purposes, they still list it as virus, cuz it has potential to fuck something up. see the point ?
even tho your trainer's tracking system is only to protect the trainer, it could do some harm if you wanted to.

additionally about anti-virus, i think tht anti-virus is quite useless these days. just as you said, if there is a new virus, it wont get detected, that is why i use zonealarm's program control. virus might get in, but it cant do what it wants. ZA will pop up alert that "blah.exe" wants to connect to internet or wants to use svchost.exe to send a message..etc.

i PM you about something, check your PM.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

btw Caliber, one update about you not being able to find simple things. i just remembered Need for Speed Undercover, where you was not able to find as simple thing as MONEY/CREDITS.

thread is here

i have mentioned it there too, that cheathappens ppl were not able to even make a simple money hack. instead you had change parts and car costs to 0 or 1, which obviously took way longer to simply change money.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

and onother update about RE5 trainer, timer hack just crashed my game, while infinite health works. so fail, AGAIN.
thts why i hate your trainers, i cant see how its possible to make a failure on such easy thing. all you have to do, is go to mercenaries mode and test it. as soon as i hit the button, crash.
and yes, other hacks do work, well not all probably, like ammo.

once again, this is why FREEWARE and OPEN SOURCE is always and ever better than payed, ppl who want money for their stuff, only care about money. they just hit it up and fast, fast to the market. but ppl who do freeware and open source, are actually interested and concerned if they have failed in something.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

UPDATE regarding TDU1 and TDU2. i haven't used cheathappens fake and false trainers myself, because they rarely work the way you they should.
so problem in tdu1 and tdu2, is that caliber is too dumb to realize how tdu games work.

i have recently looked into some advanced hacking in tdu2 and found out that a simple "speed" boost is not simple at all, but caliber is too dumb to understand it. he never tested properly. i cant say anything about the latest CH trainer tho, havent tested because those greedy fucks ask way too much money and no demo either.

so problem is that in tdu1 and tdu2 speed is not just speed, its direction based spreaded over few addresses.
i couldnt bother with it, because now i can hack car stats and its way better than messing with some lame speed. so in other words, there are 2 values mixed with eachother. speed and direction.
in tdu1, caliber (not sure if it was him, but he did it in tdu2 for sure) simply tested it in one place and when he saw car boosting, he obviously quit and tought it works (what idiot lol). but if you turn LEFT and drive in that direction and boost, then it throws your car RIGHT, not forward.

im gonna start selling my own trainers soon, so CH will be HISTORY, with their poor support, poor trainers, BASIC trainers (they neve get beyond basic of the basics) and expensive prices and FAILS.
when i release a trainer, it means i have played with it myself and tested it properly + im going to make multiplayer trainers mostly.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by deviated »

Interesting topic but this caught my attention.
Sethioz wrote:yes, cheathappens is full of idiots, they can't make anything work and their trainers doesn't even go near what can be found on my forum. those IDIOTS never even test their trainers, they just make, but never test. it is complete mystery for me, how they make a trainer if they don't test.

from my head, i can bring another FAILURE from them, it is Resident Evil 5, my trainer is ONLY working trainer in world for it. reason is simple, resident evil 5 uses xlive and it performs some kind of a check, if something is missing (like an function that trainers nop out), then follows an instant crash or exiting of game. so those retards just put a trainer together without testing. with their trainer you can play about 1-5 minutes and crash.
as usual, i bypassed it by giving huge amount of "whatever you want" instead of nopping.
Not true. I guess you don't know about deviated trainers. We made a working trainer for it a few days after the game was released

I am not saying your trainer doesn't work but it is NOT the ONLY working trainer for the game.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

kind a wrong topic to advertise this in, since this is about cheathappens trainers not working.
as about that trainer, never seen or heard as i don't usually search for trainers, i make them. either way, i bet that the trainer uses code injection which makes it detectable.
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by deviated »

I wasn't advertising, just correcting you. And which trainer doesn't use code injection ?. Any hack thats modifies the game in anyway depends on code injection. And the trainer avoids detection by simply bypassing/disabling the code checks.

I don't know how you made your trainer but it seems you're completely oblivious to the tactics used for evading xlive. This actually makes me interested to know how you did your hack because you don't use code injection, simple nops here and there only ?
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Re: Fake trainers for sale cheathappens

Post by Sethioz »

this is wrong topic for discussing this. maybe on your site / forum ppl do whatever they want without anyone controlling them and post whereever they want, but in here we keep discussions STRICTLY in topics, meaning this topic is about cheathappens fake trainers.
if you want to discuss other things, open new topic in correct area (about trainers, should go into game hacking).
and in short > i tell trainer to find the address (like ammo) and overwrite the value, without making any changes to the code, so xlive has nothing to detect. again, if you want to discuss this, then NOT in this topic.
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