Reduce accurancy of Textures

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Reduce accurancy of Textures

Post by MagicalSilence »

We got a too sharp image of something like wall and it has damn ugly dots and such and we want to make it look less ugly or least less noticeable
Added a Flash of photo shop part
we want to add a texture into Google sketch up model like a wall.

1.First we Measure the Width and Height of the wall

2. Adobe Photoshop Open your texture image u want to edit.
3. Copy the layer of your texture image in Adobe photoshop ctrl+j
4. Edit your copy layer using Filters
5. Go to Filter /Blur / Lens Blur
6. Blur it till we like it, then if thats not enough we may try motion blur and others till we meet the perfect result

7. Once thats done... we move to image/image-size
8. Change width and Height Under Document Size also Remember to change the CM into same as sketch up, in our case its mm

9. Once we resized, save and try

Editing Huge images with filters will be slow and maybe even deadly to low end PC's because it takes quite some power after all to apply effects to Huge stuff.. but i am sure people realize that
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Re: Reduce accurancy of Textures

Post by Sethioz »

first thing we copy the layer of our wall image (ctrl+j)
this part is bit confusing, i know it from own experience, if you write tutorial, you usually put things that seem very easy to you, but if you think about it hard enought, you will see the "error".

so where exactly you press ctrl+j ? do you open the photo first ? or ctrl+j in new PS document and then have to choose it ?
i dont have PS open atm, so im not sure about it.

video or pic tutorials would be best, there is no way to go wrong there.
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Re: Reduce accurancy of Textures

Post by MagicalSilence »

Yes i noticed that but i am not very good with explaining things you should know that by now

yet i edited the main post and made it less confusing.
I'll make better ones once i get mood to mess with it more deeply.
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