Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

retarded stuff here. how stupid ppl got owned. or how somebody talks about stuff they have no idea about..etc
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Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

*Medal awarded. To the worst idiot/noob ever (at least worst i have ever seen online).

ok he is exactly as i expected, but i never accuse anybody without proof (unlike this TH idiot).
here's one piece of the chat i had about old game avp2, where ME (Sethioz) and Medulla Oblongata (digidreamz) made/found the most coolest hacks. as soon as i accidently leaked out 'ammo hack', that TH showed up with it too and said it was his hack.
what are the chances that he figured it out in same week ? i'd say..none to zero. then after some time, same happend to my advanced ammo hack, where i used olly debugger to find out the source addresses to change each ammo value individually. again that moron claimed that he made it. he simply copied them off my forum.
so in this chat, i asked about those things:
Sethioz: hey, i wanted to ask you few things about that old game avp2
Android #17: lol
Sethioz: namely why did you stole most of the hacks and claimed that they are yours ?
Android #17: cause they are mine.
Android #17: and mpc was surronded by alot of good liars to get em
Sethioz: im not accusing, just trying to get some light on it
Sethioz: yes that one i agree, mpc is full of liars
Android #17: yep, and i had them before anyone else as well.
Android #17: cause ibrag alot, if u google well enough, ull ese.
Sethioz: actually, my friend Medulla Oblongata was the one who brought ammo type in avp2 at first
Android #17: no.
Sethioz: nobody had ever seen it before and there was no discussions before that in mpc or any other forum
Android #17: and if he did, he did it privately, and well after the forums.
Android #17: i can assure uthat. if ucan find me anything before 2003, then ill simply fair out cooincidence, but if u cant. well. u didnt make shit, simple as that.
Sethioz: well he shared it with me and few other ppl and then it got out and most of the ppl said "i made it"
Android #17: well, he didnt make anything.
Android #17: its not a matter of making.
Sethioz: 'find' then
Android #17: its a matter of using a game genie like memory search tool like tsearch and ruling out addresses to manipulate them.
Sethioz: duh i know, im still the only one who knows wireframes
Sethioz: there was lots of imposters, who used that command line, but it was just client side
Android #17: heh, well i can acheive that same thing from my video card alone.
Android #17: infact ihave tutorials on it out there.
Android #17: way before my hacks surfaced cause of max damage
Sethioz: yes, but does it effect whole server ?
Android #17: i thought i could trust people like commando, and sthriss and them...and yeah
Android #17: i had outrageous hacks.
Android #17: like Dragonball Z hacks
Android #17: totally my edge of perception, u can tell it was all me.
Android #17: flying, fucking kameha waves of rockets.
Sethioz: well you cant have wireframes, cuz nobody else have done it :)
Sethioz: nobody have never ever seen anybody else do that. also the invsibility hack
Android #17: i have wireframes just from my graphic card settings alone
Sethioz: where you can only see weapons, but no character
Android #17: and i already acheived cloak hack.
Android #17: hoxzor and i have actually
Sethioz: no not cloak
Sethioz: not cloak, and not out of body
Android #17: he had the right address, 67 and then 21. but he needed a button.
Android #17: u can easily make cloak 0 and u cant see at all.
Sethioz: but it wasn't cloak
Sethioz: its the actual invisibility
Android #17: it was speed hack nt probably
Android #17: and i bet u claim u made that too
Android #17: even though thats an old Cs hack
Sethioz: no, speedhack did not show weapons
Android #17: sure it did.
Sethioz: well mine is not speedhack
Android #17: if ur using some oldschool forceware or like a 5000 series card. of course that happens.
Sethioz: a simple value that can be turned on/off
Android #17: well, anyways what do u want and what are your questions?
Android #17: cause ur already showing me that ur a noob lol.
Android #17: in DMA i mean.
Sethioz: ok do it then
Sethioz: this is why i contacted you, you keep saying "i can" but all i see is words
Android #17: no lol, I know who chrysalis is, and they are buncha fake posers.
Android #17: that rip me off and that good stuff..
Android #17: infact theres a thread on u guys back on mpc where everyone discredits u guys as a buncha posers.
Sethioz: thats because you claimed that you made all this, i was not bragging on some mpc
Android #17: so im sure that within 3 years of shit talking mpc, im still respectable simply because of how retarded i am at programming and engineering software.
Sethioz: i really don't care what bunch of kids on mpc think
Android #17: I did find all those values.
Sethioz: no actually your ex clan members call you a noob
Android #17: infact I have an injectable that i used more commonly than tsearch.
Now honostly. who here sounds like noob ? ill quote that lil retard:
Android #17: heh, well i can acheive that same thing from my video card alone.
- can somebody explain, how can his video card settings affect whole server ???
- even a complete retard in computer field, should know that video card settings are LOCAL only and does not effect server at all.
- if it would be true, then ppl would use video cards to make aimbots (which is kind a possible actually) and hack servers (which is not) :)

from this, you can CLEARLY read out that this TH is total retard and has no idea at all what even video card is.

another thing. i guess im really noob, because i have never ever heard a term "injectable" before.
i actually went to wikipedia to see what it is, there's no such thing. it refers to "injection", which should tell what it is.
injection is either medical 'shot' or car's fuel injection (im sure there's more terms for it), but thats main.
so i guess he is injection medicine or fuel into game :) cuz "injectable" is no programming term as far as i know.
at least it is not a program that you can compare to Tsearch

here's another part, where i tried to ask, why he claimed that he made lithsec and lithfp, but he totally ignored the topic.
Android #17: like ive been around the public scene of modding, and programming, as well as hacking, for 4 years straight, something i dont see anything with CHRYSALIS on.
Sethioz: lets not then, just prove to me that you can make wireframes in public server
Android #17: u couldnt stand up to that kind of shit cause ur fake and ur clan is fake.
Android #17: so like why are u even iming me now?
Sethioz: thats because i closed chrysalis 3 years ago
Android #17: yeah ok.
Android #17: it would still be on google though
Sethioz: next you gonna call Luigi Auriemma fake too ?
Android #17: they cache pages as far back as a couple of years.
Android #17: so i mean, still.
Android #17: i got u.
Sethioz: because Luigi is the person who wrote lithsec and lithfp, and you said you made those tools
Android #17: i wouldnt say this if ididnt already know what i was talking about.
Android #17: no lol...
Android #17: i made an injectable that could insert anykind of integral modification.
Android #17: if u have nothing on my mod that i wouldnt mind sharing anyways, its not like ud be kind enough to keep it as is.
Android #17: ud probly hex it and claim it as urs like most of the proggies i downloaded from ur site.
Android #17: u guys are the biggest hijackers of forums and thensome.
Sethioz: you only claim, but no proof dude.
Android #17: cetanu ripped off my sounds.
Android #17: lol, his page is closed.
Sethioz: you just act so immature and IGNORE every fact i give you
Android #17: icecreamvan
Sethioz: i know. ive been talking to him in phone for ages
Android #17: said closed due to copyright claim
Android #17: ud probly hex it and claim it as urs like most of the proggies i downloaded from ur site.
- have anybody, anybody at all seen anything that i have made for avp2 ?? all i have about avp2, is videos (UNIQUE videos, which this moron does not have) and the hacks discussion with all of MY and Medulla's hacks, not his.
so wtf is he talking about ? he even don't know what he says, he randomly just talks about some 'proggies'.
- he brutely claimed back in the days that he wrote lithsec and lithfp, he was sharing those tools with his DTH clan (without source code) and said that he wrote them, now again, he ignored every word i said about it. ignoring means he is guilty, otherwise he would have asked huh, what is that ? or would have been surprised, but he knew exactly what i talk about.

Android #17: id tell u how it is.
Android #17: i aint ur age.
Sethioz: then what is my age
Android #17: ur younger than me.
Android #17: enough to comment my grammar after this sentence.
Sethioz: you don't know my age
Android #17: i dont need to.
Android #17: u dont think most people ur age hasnt already went through this typical cycle of rinse and repeat?
Sethioz: you are just talking nonsense right now, because you dont know my age
- does anybody understand the part about grammar ? because i sure don't what he is on about. seems like some random bullshit + he talks like some teenage noobed kid, with all the lame slang in it and trying to sound tough ??
Android #17: i wouldnt even take credit if i was you, for talking the way you do.
Android #17: GOSH Thats a shock.
Android #17: PHEW!
Sethioz: let me ask then, why did you say that you made lithsec and lithfp ?
Android #17: lol. 20 years old and ur still bullshitting like a teenager.
Sethioz: you 'waved' around lithsec and lithfp without source code and said it was yours
Sethioz: bullshitting what ?
Sethioz: my hacks are public and posted on my forum
Android #17: now thats nonsense.
Sethioz: when i can't find anything about you in net
Android #17: u waved around?
Android #17: what did i wave around?
Sethioz: lithsec and lithfp
Android #17: im still on google for like 4 pages now.
Android #17: thats no where on any site or forum or openly discussed topic.
- more nonsense. as you can see, he again ignores the part about lithsec and lithfp.
- then he calls me 20 yo teenager ? is it just me or it seems like he is talking like an idiot here ?

Android #17: infact, if i hit that site up right now and claimed u to be plagarizing me, id have u shut down because u wouldnt be able to submit something of that age to them.
Android #17: they aint just gonna take ur word for it lol.
Sethioz: this kids stuff does not work on me
Android #17: ur kid stuff bro.
Android #17: ur not in the time lines im in.
Sethioz: just as i tought, you are impossible to talk. you just IGNORE every word i say and start bragging with non existing things
Android #17: ur therefor a poser and fake trying to steal my show and it doesnt work like that.
Sethioz: steal what ?
Android #17: cause most people know how to backtrack things to their sources (me)
Android #17: hehe. credit bro.
Sethioz: just words, so far i seen no action
Android #17: ur not in 2003. and 2009 now.
Sethioz: still words
Android #17: Ill actually share the infectable i made for Primal hunt if u can show me one that u made.
Android #17: injectable*
Sethioz: im thru with avp2, i just wanted some light on it. once and for all
Android #17: thats what i thought.
Android #17: u didnt have any thought
Android #17: ur a fake bro. and u dont know what ur talking about or asking about.
Android #17: u know how many people talk about me cause im better than them?
Android #17: including u well after this pm?
Sethioz: nobody
Android #17: i dont give a fuck lol, this is why i do new things and most people get stuck rinsing and repeating.
Sethioz: you only think you are better
Android #17: i am better than u. lol.
Sethioz: can you answer my question already
Sethioz: i asked it like 3 times
Sethioz: if you are better, then how comes you dont have wireframes ?
Android #17: lemme ask this question, its the easiest one in the world.
Android #17: What is the beginning address memory for avp2 and or lithtech games.
Android #17: add that to your copy and paste. lol.
once AGAIN, he ignores every word i say and bumbles about some random shit. does anybody see anything else but his words here ?
everybody who have found this, should already know that i have tons of videos in Video Blog (including wireframes hack from avp2, which he DO NOT HAVE).
he just says "you have nothing", but how can he say this, if he have not even seen the videos ? > conclusion, idiot just talks crap by ignoring all the proof.
"beginning address memory" < whats this ? shouldn't it be "beginning memory address" ?
every person who have ever used any kind of memory tool, should know that there is no such thing. it is not a console game, it is pc game. that so called beginning address is different in every computer, but it seems that moron doesn't even know that.
on top of that, avp2 has very complicated memory. only way to point a trainer to so called 'beginning address' is to make an image of the memory and guide it by the size of the loaded files, but again he knows nothing about that. he just said something he have seen in google and thinks it works on all games.

Android #17: fuckin noob. u got pwnd, suck my dick kid. like ur daddy did.
Android #17: bye bye now.
Android #17: deleted.
Sethioz: so you are calling the most famous programmer a noob now ?
Android #17: cause ur scum and u should buy new games u poor ass pussy at 20 years old.
Sethioz: now you sound really mature kid
Sethioz: for your age you talk so immature
Sethioz: but its nothing more than i expected
Android #17: you finished now?
Sethioz: finished what ?
Android #17: lol. u back to attacking my characture cause i just caught u. lol.
Sethioz: cought me ?
Sethioz: are you on crack or something ?
Android #17: lets have an attack urs..
Android #17: starting with steam.
Android #17: u got 25 friends on it.
Android #17: u got mad whack ass games on it
Android #17: cause ur either poor and cant afford a computer or u cant afford better games.
Sethioz: this is EXACTLY what i tought of you. you close your eyes and ears and do BLABLABLABLA by ignoring all the facts and proof
is this guy on crack or something ?
wow he can look at my steam page and he calls that hacking ??? i wanna laugh, but its so dumb that i won't.
HAHA did he just called looking at steam page a hacking ?? ... i have no more words. make your own conclusions about this person.
+ everybody who can check the 'owned online' topic, knows that i have about 200 steam accounts :)

we also had convo over a monolith (lithtech game engine), where that moron said that monolith is not a game engine and that lithtech is.
well if you are not complete idiot, you can google and read wikipedia.
lithtech was game engine, but that was long ago and it is now known as monolith, but it simply does not fit into this idiot's head on some reason. he sends me to some old wikipedia page, which is specialized to 'lithtech' only, by ignoring the part where it says that monolith was formerly known as lithtech.
then he posts screenshot of our convo about this arguement and says i got owned ? all i see on that screenshot is him getting owned by himself. wierd...
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Re: Leader of DTH, 24yo TH and still totally retarded kid

Post by Sethioz »

if that didn't convince you guys that that TH guy is total retard, then get a load of this:
Sethioz: run TH RUN !!!. run in fear noooob
Your chat with Android #17 is now a multi-user chat.
Android #17 has been invited to chat.
<V> has been invited to chat.
<V> entered chat.
Android #17: ok fine.
<V>: this is getting annoying
Android #17: it is.
<V>: what's going on
Sethioz: he is noob, runs away
<V>: he's got that right
Sethioz: he is afraid of the heaven's keeper V
Android #17: and he looks like a straight up faggot.
<V>: :O
Android #17: secondly, ur not anyone i care about V
Android #17: ur not even the real V
Android #17: period.
<V>: so much hate i see...
Android #17: u know it as good as i do. simple.
Android #17: no hate bro. none at all.
<V>: i'm anything u want me to be
Android #17: infact after this converation is over, u guys will exist as u did when i didnt talk to u guys lol
Android #17: simple.
<V>: i'm not here to convert you my child
Android #17: my child..
Android #17: lol
Android #17: vampires yo.
Android #17: lol
Sethioz: only that you doesn't exit in internet. only in mpc :)
<V>: what's with you and your vampaires
Android #17: satanic pentagrams from 9th grade lol
Sethioz: exist*
<V>: give me a break
Sethioz: look at yourself, mr big shot name :)
Android #17: ok, seriously, im done now seth, u completely lost credibility.
Sethioz: android, sounds like somebody wtih wannabe aimbot
Android #17: totally and completely
Android #17: u sound like someone whos obsessed with me.
Sethioz: how ?
<V>: hmmm what's with the credibility?
Android #17: V.
Sethioz: i dont know, he talks nonsense
Android #17: im gonna give u a lesson on that.
Android #17: here..
<V>: :O
Sethioz: i hoped that maybe V can understand, cuz i cant
<V>: i've heared that before
Android #17: before i send this...
<V>: how old are you ?
Android #17: do u live in america V?
<V>: i live anywhere u want me to live
Android #17: http://www.myspace.com/sethioz
Android #17: ok, hes got 18 friends...
Android #17: he makes no money
Android #17: hes got no girlfriend or anything.
Android #17: how do i beleive anything else he says?
<V>: i have boyfriend :D
Android #17: simple.
Android #17: watch his video. lol
<V>: i think i've seen it....
Sethioz: he knows my mypsace for ages. why exactly you waving it ?
Android #17: hed get his asskicked walkin outside cause hes a joke tuff guy personia.
Android #17: cause ur white as a ghost.
Android #17: u live under a rock.
Android #17: and u claim things to be yours when they clearly arent yours cause ur as unoriginal as they come.
<V>: i got soem tan on my white ass this summer :)
<V>: some
Sethioz: but where is the proof ?
<V>: who cares about what belongs to who ?
Android #17: mpcforums.de
Android #17: seth does.
Android #17: he keeps harassing me.
<V>: i don't ():)
Android #17: and keeps trying to double talk me and he keeps slipping on himself
Sethioz: slipping where ?
Android #17: he lives in a house where his windows are coverd by sheets.
Android #17: like his ignorance.
Android #17: hes a sheet.
<V>: ouch a vampire
Sethioz: you slipped into my moms ass all the time, you seemed very interested in my mom
Android #17: ill show one more thing v. and then im done with the convo. cause this is boring now.
Sethioz: maybe you are just afraid of the heaven's keeper
<V>: always when things get interesting you say it's boring
Android #17: http://www.mpcforum.com/showthread.php?t=126089
Android #17: over 3 dozen poeple over looked this forum.
Android #17: including Neo and his bandits of fags.
<V>: what the
Android #17: not one of them contest anything here to be untrue.
<V>: :O
Android #17: owned seth
Android #17: suck my fat fuckin cock
Android #17: u fuckin scum pickin copycattin fuck.
<V>: aaahhmmm may i ask something?
<V>: what are u talkign about right now?
Android #17: shoot.
<V>: cuz i'm totally clueless :|
Sethioz: thats what i tried to ask ..
Android #17: well, seth is talking about how i ripped off his hacks when its actally the otherway around.
<V>: i see
Android #17: seth added me as a friend a week ago, and decided today to argue with me about his shabby life.
<V>: ok people i wanna see some facts to back up your claims
Android #17: that he has no direction in.
Sethioz: but its 2006 year. we did all that in 2003-04
Sethioz: so do i
Android #17: he wants me to beleieve hes good at something when he has no positive influnences on anything he speaks about.
Android #17: i dont care about him, i dont know hes harassing me about a 2 year old game i hacked when i was 15
Android #17: Im 24 now lol
Android #17: and im still listening to these obsessions.
<V>: hmmm
Android #17: ur discredited and dismissed seth
<V>: and why u keep listening?
Android #17: ur a copycattin loser.
<V>: i'm crushed
Android #17: well, im sure u wouldnt understand V cause this never happend to u before.
Android #17: cause again, what are u 2 good at?
<V>: question how could u hack a game that was not yet even released at the time?
Android #17: where u get this kind of skeptisism?
<V>: that is if we're talking about this ages old forgotten game
<V>: or whatever
Android #17: 2001 was when avp2 launched
<V>: i'm good at pissing people off
<V>: my speciality
Android #17: well, wont work on me cause u dont know much about me.
Sethioz: but you was 15 in 2000 not 2001 :O
Android #17: but i already know ur friends like sethy here.
Sethioz: we just know that you are imposter :) all we need to know duh
Android #17: somewhere around that
<V>: my dear i don't need to know anything about anyone
Android #17: it was a long time ago.
Android #17: why do u keep obsessing over it?
<V>: i just use their own words against them :P
Sethioz: seems like he don't even understand his own words
<V>: ever heard of saying old habbits die hard?
Android #17: well, thats all well and good. but it doesnt really prove anything.
<V>: same could be said about old memories
Android #17: ur just trying to faulster a question ur giving me about something idid a while ago.
Android #17: i have a life unlike u guys lol. ive done so much more since then lol.
Android #17: i dont expect to remember everyhting...
<V>: and what is so much?
Sethioz: like whining your ass off ad bragging with non existing things ?
<V>: have you started your own company already?
Android #17: thats none of ur buisness lol.
Android #17: neither of urs.
<V>: oh rude :)
Android #17: V, ur not the real V.
Android #17: and u dont really have any reason to be herew.
Android #17: simple as that.
<V>: to you i'm whatever u want me to be
Android #17: lol. thats fine. u are.
<V>: no argument there
Android #17: makes sense.
<V>: hey u have account on extreme eagles
<V>: gaming community
Sethioz: should be your favorite
Android #17: no.
Android #17: lol
<V>: :|
Android #17: extremeeagles...lol
Android #17: that sounds so gay.
Android #17: like 14 year old gay.
Sethioz: should fit you perfectly
<V>: well they try to be patriotic
Android #17: fit u even more with that bald head of urs.
Android #17: ur gonna be bald and unnoticed by the time ur my age seth.
<V>: can't blame them
Android #17: let that haunt u.
Android #17: lol
Android #17: ull have no choice but to take it up ur ass lol.
<V>: i'm bald :|
<V>: lol
Sethioz: then i can wash my shiny head. jelous ?
Android #17: well, seth is going bald.
Sethioz: and ?
Android #17: well, u shouldve nevr been born.
Sethioz: this has nothing to do with you ripping off our hacks :)
Android #17: cause alls ur gonna be now is a scab to people.
Android #17: u and ur friend here both know i ripped nothing lol.
<V>: indeed some people should never have been born
Android #17: u and ur friend both know ur both fake.
Android #17: simple as that.
<V>: that's why i always keep saying having children should be a privilage not an option
<V>: ofc
<V>: that's the beauty of it ;)
Sethioz: so far ive seen no proof from you before 2006. just words
Android #17: V, lemme ask u something.
<V>: sure :)
Android #17: or should I call u SuperStagga cause thats not who u are lol.
Android #17: but yeah, lets just say u was him.
<V>: oh plz
Android #17: how come u didnt say OMG MY HACKS UR STEALIN THEM back when u couldve?
Android #17: lol
Android #17: wanna know why?
<V>: cuz i couldn't care less about them?
Android #17: ill tell u who V really is.
<V>: i'm listening :D
Android #17: Sthrisss
Android #17: thats who he is.
<V>: :O
Android #17: lol.
Android #17: owned.
<V>: no way!
Android #17: yep.
<V>: goosh
<V>: that was like lightning from clear sky
Sethioz: oh man TH you are so full of crap
Android #17: I knew it the day he came in and tested my shit to see if it really worked.
Sethioz: ask V how i laugh
Android #17: Seth, u got pwnd bro.
Android #17: and caught in a lie.
Sethioz: you owned yourself 'bro'
Android #17: and on top of which, u brought fake player to the table.
<V>: ignorance really is a bliss ():)
Sethioz: indeed
Sethioz: seems like he have more than enough of ignorance
Android #17: lol indeedy do.
Android #17: well, u got 2 copycats here.
Android #17: V, ur seriously gonna tell me ur V from AvP2...
<V>: hey hey where u from?
Android #17: say that so i can leave this chatroom now lol.
<V>: i ain't gonna tell u anything :)
Android #17: cause ur not him.
<V>: i never said i was dear
Android #17: the real sthrisss is on my friends list right now, hes on my aim list right now lol.
<V>: u keep preaching the same msg
Android #17: ur not him.
<V>: guess i'm not :D
Android #17: ur a poser.
Android #17: and ur friend here is a theif of words.
Sethioz: oh man you sure know how to ignore every fact
<V>: a damn good one at that if i say so myself
Android #17: shame on the both of u lo.
<V>: frogive me father
Android #17: u got owned.
Android #17: how u feel seth.
<V>: i feel good
<V>: i get recotnision
<V>: makes my ego feel big
Android #17: this is the one i supposedly robbed when in all actuallity proved i was telling the truth back in 2003 when max damage said there was no such thing as an aimbot for avp2.
<V>: :(
Sethioz: 2003 ? then why all the topics start in 2006 ?
Android #17: V was his name he Tsearched my hacks with.
Android #17: lol.
Android #17: and he found they were REAL infact.
<V>: really?
Android #17: lol. 2003 is when the topic starts.
Sethioz: WHERE ?
<V>: shyt
Sethioz: your mpc crap is 06
Android #17: and v, i trust u know how to naviage the forums.
Android #17: browse by my first entry.
Android #17: and ull see seth is wasting his time with me.
Android #17: lol.
Android #17: hugely.
<V>: i think u all are wasting each others time don't you think?
<V>: :D
Sethioz: i tought i sit at home. so how exactly i can waste my time ?
Android #17: yeah defintely that.
Android #17: removed him from my friends.
Android #17: and after i leave this chatroom.
<V>: so android where are u from if it's a not a state secret?
Android #17: he will know the debths how much this all meant to me lol.
<V>: :|
Android #17: ull never know.
<V>: i already know how much it means to you
Sethioz: US
<V>: sweet
<V>: what state?
Android #17: lol. yeah seth.
Android #17: tell him the myspace i gave u.
Android #17: lol
Android #17: even though its not mine lol.
<V>: hmmm
Sethioz: i know
Android #17: lol.
Android #17: i just did that to get urs.
Sethioz: http://www.myspace.com/american_pzycho he gave this
Android #17: yeah.
Sethioz: cuz he is too sissy to give his :)
Android #17: no lol.
Sethioz: sure
Android #17: i just wouldnt want u copying me.
Android #17: u copied my mods, copied my tutorials and put ur name all over them, and yeah.
<V>: and anyone mind telling me why is this myspace so important?
Android #17: why would ishare another thing with the likes of u guys lol
Sethioz: what mods ?
Sethioz: what tutorials ?
Android #17: well, seth got 18 friends in real life.
<V>: guess that's a good thing
Sethioz: what you talking about ?
Android #17: 18 friends is a good thing?
<V>: i only got 1 :(
Android #17: hes 20 years old.
Android #17: supposedly.
<V>: and i'm what 31 :O
Android #17: if hes really that old.
Sethioz: nah im 5
<V>: damn i'm old man
Sethioz: and what mods you talking about ?
Sethioz: i have never made any mods for avp2 in my whole life
Android #17: hes 20 years old. and he expects me to beleive hes someone with 18 friends
Sethioz: so more lies from you
<V>: is 18 a lot or less?
Android #17: i probly got 18 just in family on mine
Android #17: lol
Android #17: less.
<V>: cuz i'm bit confused
<V>: ooh
Sethioz: so am i
Android #17: 18 friends is like my lab during dissertations.
<V>: i gotta start looking for more friends then huh
Android #17: yeah u should.
Sethioz: i don't understand a thing he is saying. like some old crackhead himself
Android #17: u aint gonna make it.
Android #17: lol
Android #17: u aint gonna make it in this day and age without friends lol
Android #17: as u can see from sethy boy here.
<V>: yeah need to exploit people to the fullest extent possibile
Sethioz: im back fake honey
Sethioz: oh by th, tell v how you hacked avp2 servers with graphics card. thats ELITE
Sethioz: cmon stop whispering into his ear and tell him about your yber hack with graphics card. how you can hack game servers with graphics card. im sure he is impressed
Sethioz: What does it mean when it says that the Founder of Unicode Name hack is F8? ..thats from your praised mpc. where they say you are fake :) even THEY want to know where is proof that you found it first.
Android #17: hey seth
Android #17: just had a wonderful conversation with ur friend here.
Android #17: hes actually normal compared to you. but nonetheless truthful. and doesnt hold any meanings to what you hold.
Android #17: http://img195.imagevenue.com/img.php?im ... _686lo.JPG#
Android #17: i know ur computer doesnt look like mine.
Android #17: lol
Sethioz: i know. im on skype with him LOL
Sethioz: stop uploading your pics to some porn sites
Sethioz: and pc does not make you elite. bragging with some pc with neons is just childish
Sethioz: having better pc also wont make you better
Android #17: i totally own ur computer and ur house with mine
Android #17: lol
Android #17: this is like 4 mortgage payments ud be behind on.
Android #17: lol
Sethioz: this still wont make you smarter. you are rich. so what
Sethioz: as they say, richer they are, the dumber they become :)
Android #17: well, cause im good at STUFFZ
Android #17: where u aint.
Android #17: so ur a failure.
<V>: rich people are usually smart :D
Android #17: ur the bottom feeder.
Sethioz: not really
Android #17: sure u are.
Android #17: u spoon fed urself with my droppings.
Android #17: and here u are.
Android #17: lol
Sethioz: then why does guys on mpc say you are fake ?
Android #17: none of them do though lol.
Android #17: and Sthrisss KingSling got Technological Hatred right under his sig
Android #17: in red letters.
Sethioz: i see how ppl say you are fake
Android #17: and im allowed on that page to contribute anytime i please.
Android #17: i dont care if they think that lol.
Android #17: im a dick sucker of massive proportions.
Android #17: i dont care lol.
Android #17: make it a slogan of mine.
Android #17: it doesnt change what i am, and it never will.
Android #17: its too late for that lol. waaaaaaay too late.
Android #17: like 6 years too late.
Android #17: to be exact.
Sethioz: why date says its 3 years then ?
Sethioz: are you on same planet ? hellloooo ?
<V>: well u guys should take a breath for a moment and think about that
Sethioz: date on mpc says its 2006 year post
<V>: there's a new avp coming out in february
<V>: made by sega
Android #17: wll, gonna check ur stats v
Android #17: if ur worth knowing
Android #17: ill add u
<V>: lol
Android #17: but seth is scum and i have no need for is dilusion.
<V>: i doubt u are gonna find anything pleasent there
Sethioz: actually that account is also mine :)
Android #17: are u really from pakistan?
<V>: ouch
Sethioz: damn V fuck
Android #17: i mean if uare... u speak better than seth does.
Sethioz: now he knows where i live :(
Android #17: for a country that still in the dark ages.
Android #17: u speak good english.
<V>: not as good as i'd like
Android #17: u should get some better games as well.
Android #17: like left 4 dead :P
Sethioz: he has l4d, dont you
Android #17: look at how many times i win opposed to losing
<V>: i did have have left 4 dead
Sethioz: TH wht you say...lets play l4d ?
Android #17: i wouldnt play with u seth
Android #17: ur intolerable.
<V>: and no point getting left 4 dead right now in 2 months left 4 dead 2 is launched
Sethioz: ofc not, cuz you would lose :)
Sethioz: just like you lost in everything else
Android #17: if u put in the same amount of hours, id probably bare with u.
Android #17: but considering udont have 700 hours commited like i do, lol...well.
Android #17: its fair to say im better than u at something i do more opposed to u less.
Sethioz: sry i dont need 700h play time to beat a noob like you
Android #17: lol.
<V>: hey what's your msn?
Android #17: i dont use MSN
Android #17: i use AMERICAN ONLINE
Android #17: lol
<V>: talk about dark ages
<V>: and aol is?
Sethioz: haha
<V>: yes so it seems
Sethioz: i wonder how can you do SO MUCH if all you do is PLAY games
Android #17: if ur hating on the late 6.9 aim build, ur mind is dark aged.
Android #17: http://aimadhack.net
Android #17: infact, get the best possibly built reversed engineered aim there is.
<V>: haha
Android #17: no ads, fast, and the uploads are uncapped cause they are direct.
<V>: helio is still better i think
Android #17: and i have a 35MB connection so yeah.
<V>: damn
Android #17: which is 15UP and 15DOWN lol
Android #17: as is.
Android #17: through as many sockets as it takes.
<V>: i got T3 :D
Sethioz: why do you lie ? cox ISP does not support 35mb
Android #17: then u understand my passion unlike seth who lives in vomit.
Sethioz: so why lie again ?
Android #17: 35MB is advertised as soon as u visit the homepage of cox.
Android #17: lol. so ur the lie mr stupid bald dude that no ones talking to u. lol cause ur crap.
Android #17: how u feel now stupid.
<V>: how much is 35mb?
Android #17: do ur research before u talk shit next time seth
<V>: in cost
Android #17: 49.99 month
<V>: what a rip off
Android #17: i have a surfboard for both up and down.
Android #17: ok, if ur connections so good, get aim.
Android #17: and send me something.
Android #17: and then ill send u something after.
<V>: how much is 35mb connection in KB?
Android #17: and we will see what rip off artists do these days as far as booming.
Android #17: i have a 35MB connection. in killobytes. 35 Thousand?
Android #17: lol
<V>: well rip off as costs a lot
Sethioz: HAHA
Sethioz: man you are fake. and getting worse by a second
<V>: :|
Android #17: if i uploaded to u, 15/distance = 4MB a second upload. a second.
Sethioz: you are such loser you even dunno how much it is
Android #17: V am i cacking or is seth just on my nut strap.
<V>: cacking?
Android #17: yeah, full of shit in plain speak.
<V>: i don't follow
<V>: ooh
Sethioz: its about 4300kb/s moron
Android #17: do u think seth here is being a boy opposed to a man he claims to be?
Android #17: 4.3MBs
Android #17: like converting meters to kilometers.
Sethioz: who copyd who now ?
<V>: when it comes to internet speed i'm clueless
Sethioz: i said it, and then you copyd what i said :)
Android #17: seth is annoying.
<V>: lol that's the whole point :D
Android #17: im gonna add u and leave this chatroom cause and i bth know these are mere impulses fueled by his insecurities.
<V>: it's good to be annoying
Sethioz: yes, i annoy noobs until they stop lieing
Android #17: added v
Android #17: once i seen ur accept, i leave this chatroom and seth continues to be a legend in his own mind.
Android #17: lol.
<V>: hey
<V>: where can i see in cox net this speed
<V>: 35 mb
Android #17: http://www.dslreports.com/comment/2911/75047
Android #17: theres 1.
Android #17: people who arent related to me in anyway.
Android #17: just testing the service itself and speaking amongst an open forum.
<V>: but this sin't cox
<V>: cox.net
Android #17: lol, i aint slaving myself on their website to prove something to 2 people i dont care a thing of lol.
Android #17: i gave u something quick and simple and if u dont like it, find it on there and say otherwise.
Android #17: if u cant, stop crying. lol. k sethy boy?
Sethioz: you gave a quick and simple lie :)
<V>: i'm too lazy to find i always ahve other people find it for me
Android #17: i sure did, the whole world is lieing seth.
<V>: have
Sethioz: im not
Android #17: ur the biggest liar ever.
Android #17: without me here today, u lied atleast 200 times from the start of this year til now.
Android #17: judging by ur behaivor and what i know of u.
Sethioz: and lied what ? show me one lie
Sethioz: V can you see one lie i said ?
<V>: nope
<V>: i see nothing
Android #17: of course not lol.
Sethioz: then what are you talking about ?
Android #17: V, would it be fair to say you agree to disagree?
Sethioz: cox.net
Android #17: and so on and so fourth?
Android #17: lol. thats the answer i wanted.
<V>: i stay neutral in either case
Android #17: I know u were gonna say that.
<V>: haha
<V>: quite an oracle i see
Android #17: well, its all a matter of routine, repeat and rinse.
Android #17: hehe.
Sethioz: TH lil kid, cox.net has 28mb maximum
Sethioz: so where do you see 35 ?
Android #17: wherever ur not looking.
Android #17: simply.
Android #17: lol
<V>: wwell when u look at the site there's usually a list of avilabale services
Android #17: just test my bandwidth directly
<V>: all in one list
Android #17: i got 3.5TB of storage.
Android #17: get aim.
Android #17: ill show u exactly how fast iam lol.
<V>: :|
Sethioz: ok, whats your aim ?
Android #17: that simple.
Android #17: not u seth.
Android #17: V cause hes got t3 :)
Android #17: and it will show more visibly than ur DSL connection
Android #17: that u pay probly the same amount that i pay for my ISP.
Android #17: lol.
Sethioz: i have satallite uplink
<V>: kk what's your aim then so i can test that magical net of yours :P
Android #17: even worst.
Sethioz: and i dont pay for my net, i use cracked networks
Android #17: i bet u do.
Android #17: cause ur born from crack.
<V>: lol
Android #17: it comes natural v
Android #17: and in time ull understand.
<V>: hmmm
Android #17: not gonna send just one thing.
<V>: ?
Android #17: gonna send more than just one, like 400MB total, so u can see exactly how fast iam lol.
<V>: http://ww2.cox.com/residential/arizona/internet.cox on this site i can't see any 35mb service :|
Android #17: infact, if u look at the code in my hostname, thats what package of cox im using.
Android #17: hehe
Android #17: thats arizona bro.
<V>: ooh
Android #17: and i wouldnt expect them to have that in arizona.
Android #17: or texas.
<V>: but site should show
<V>: all the avilable services
<V>: regardless from what state you're from
Android #17: http://ww2.cox.com/residential/rhodeisl ... p_hsi_0409
Android #17: no, thats not true.
Android #17: comcast in texas is totally slower in both distance and throughput compared with anywhere else.
Android #17: speedtest.net and dslreports.com are both leaders in these kinds of discussions.
<V>: this is 50mb
<V>: way faster
Android #17: im using Ultimate.
<V>: 50?
Android #17: well, we will see.
<V>: :O
Sethioz: but you said 35
Sethioz: how did it change in middle of convo ?
Android #17: no, i said 35MB the whole time.
Sethioz: yes you did, now you say 50
Android #17: where did i say 50.
Android #17: lol
<V>: ultimate is 50
Android #17: get out of this chat seth, ur lame.
Android #17: no lol.
Sethioz: V just said it .. ultimate is 50
Sethioz: not 35
<V>: yes it shows 50 to me
Android #17: it goes up to 50 lol.
<V>: oooh
Android #17: DUH
Android #17: lol.
<V>: that's soemthing new
<V>: something
Sethioz: lmao you have no idea what you talk about, dont you
Android #17: yeah, theyve been doing it for the best of 2 years now.
Android #17: i have ut3 as in my hostname
Android #17: Ultimate Package, Teir 3.
Android #17: which is 35MB
Android #17: lol
<V>: i'm totally confused
Sethioz: so am i
Android #17: whats confusing?
Android #17: lol.
<V>: everything lol
Sethioz: if you have ultimate, then why say its 35 ? when its 50
Sethioz: you don't make a bit of sense
Android #17: it doesnt say just 50 on there.
Android #17: makes every amount of sense.
Android #17: ur just not from america lol.
Android #17: and thats a good thing come to think of it.
<V>: ok so when you're from US it shows u different numbers there?
Sethioz: lol
Android #17: ok, so scroll down the page and type every figure thats in the blue on this page.
Android #17: http://ww2.cox.com/residential/rhodeisl ... ternet.cox
Android #17: they come as diffrent packages.
Android #17: in ur country, im sure u just get one thing.
<V>: Download speeds up to 1.5 Mbps 10 Mbps 20 Mbps 50 Mbps
Upload speeds up to 256 Kbps 2 Mbps 3 Mbps 5 Mbps
PowerBoost® Download up to - 12.5 Mbps 25 Mbps
Android #17: and this is too much to understand.
Android #17: exactly.
Sethioz: i see no 35 there...
Android #17: well yeah.
Android #17: cause thats there ultimate comes in. lol.
Sethioz: then why say you have 35 ? whats with the bull
Android #17: there is no bull.
Sethioz: and ultimate is 50, not 35 dooooh !
Android #17: and theres no need to answer any more of ur questions that go nowhere.
Android #17: u have a compulsive disorder.
Android #17: and i dismiss everything u said to me today under the condition that i never hafta talk to u again.
Sethioz: unless im totally blind, i see 50 there, not 35. and if i would be blind, i would not be able to even see what you type, so bull it is from you
Android #17: simple as that. V ur added. if u wanna see how fast my shit roars, hit my SN up.
<V>: lol
Android #17: ur just stupid and ur arguments go no where seth.
<V>: ok
Android #17: simple as that.
Android #17 left chat.
well i would go on forever, cuz i never get annoyed of such babys, they just make me laugh with their total nonsense, but i can't be bothered to type any comments, just this:

look at the place where he says he has 35MB net. we argued about it quite long.
the thing is, his ISP company doesn't even offer 35mb net.
only conclusion is that he randomly said it, just to try to make us jelous or something. cox.net in his region, offers 25mbit and 50mbit, but not 35. and as you see, then he started talking some nonsense that he does have 50, but not really 50. in other words, he failed badly, but tried to talk himself out of it and failed some more.
most funniest thing is that he doesn't even seem to understand how stupid he is.

on top of that. the MPC topics he kept linking, there ppl only say that he ripped them off of other ppl and wanted to get exact dates and times when he found them and how, but again NO replys there either.

to make it even simpler, heres some FACTS.

1. as you may have noticed, he likes to BRAG a lot.
2. he has no website or any other profile whatsoever, which makes him a low scum and liar.
3. IF he would have some site..etc, then why he don't brag with that ?
-bragger like him, would stick his site under my nose on the very first moment, IF he would have one.
4. google "Technological Hatred" and you will see that only place where they even mention him, is that kindergarden MPCFORUM and only about avp2 hacks.
5. he tells me how "big" he is and how many friends he has and how much he have done
6. next thing, he says he have played 700h of Left 4 Dead. L4D is about.
- this is from wikipedia:
"Development on the game was completed on November 13, 2008 and was released on November 18, 2008 in the United States and on November 21, 2008 in Europe."
getting 700h in less than year...+ tons of other games, then how exactly he had time for other things ?????
7. i offered him a challenge in L4D, but as obvious from such loser, he declined in fear that i OWN him and post a video (which i would have had done)

* I do not have to play a game for 700h to own a noob like him. V is a living proof that im even better than aimbot :)
so owning a noob like th, is not a problem at all for me. and plz no, i am not a gamer. i have about 50h in L4D max and about 70h in KF and after playing KF for about 70h, i have serious issues finding a person who could challenge me. so yeah .. he plays 700h and still sucks :)
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Re: Leader of DTH, 24yo TH and still totally retarded kid

Post by Sethioz »

small update, can't bother to edit last post, cuz its already massive.
V told me that he started hacking and playing avp2 about year after it came out, which was 2001. so V was in avp2 in about 2002.
V just told me that he had NEVER heard about any DTH or TH (on very moment when im posting) in that time.
so that makes TH a liar.
in about 2003-2004 i met M (memnoch on forum) in avp2 and he introduced me to V. a month after that. i joined with a clan called Demon Hackers, ran by Satoshi. I also met Medualla in game, in some clan match, where Medulla introduced the 'ammo hack' first time in avp2 history. V has been in avp2 the longest and he had NEVER seen anything like that before, neither had I. or anybody else.
MPCforum also does NOT have any posts earlier than 2006 about any of those hacks.

so Medulla shared ammo with my and i shared it with V, M and few other ppl and those few other leaked it out. sry Medulla for being so naive :( now i understand why you was so paranoid, cuz idiots like TH just steals it.
fortunetly for us, we are still only ones having wireframes, fisheye view, zooming and total invisibility (ofcourse TH told me that he hacked servers with his graphics card).
now, ammo hack got leaked somewhere in 2005 or earlier in 2006, which is exactly the date on mpcforum, when TH and his dumb ass clan friends posted them.
yes i know i look kind a braggy too atm, because the freeforums hosting does not exist anymore, where i had those OLD posts from 2003-2005, but i have idea about them, theres some archive sites that MAY have them.

so overall. again WE (me, V, M, Medulla and ofc Magic Maker) was the guys who found all this stuff. i got barrel values from Magic (cant member anything else).

but what i do know, is that TH purely copyd all those hacks off of our forums.
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Re: Leader of DTH, 24yo TH and still totally retarded kid

Post by Sethioz »

Confirmed, that TH is copycat.
i found my old post in mpc forum under my hacker name "Neo"< yes iithas this square in it, which is confusing and messing up topic.
however my post is made 4th August 2005, 15:24, all of his copys are made 2006 :) (screens and quote included).

http://www.mpcforum.com/archive/index.php/t-101779.html < original post in mpc, clearly seen that my post is made whole YEAR before his copy post and yet he claims he made them first, what a loser :(
4th August 2005, 15:24
1. Crouch Jump
2. Run Speed
3. Aimbot
4. Falling damage
5. Moving in air
6. Ultimate health
7. WallWalk
8. FreeFly mode
9. Customize weapons
10. No clip
11. NEO mode
12. ROWname
13. Speed pounce (alien)
14. Power pounce (alien)
15. WalkSpeed
16. Crouch Speed
17. HellStorm (ammo type)
18. Visions
19. Weapon range
20. Ammo spread (accuracy)
21. Character change
22. Barrel
23. server side Neo mode.
24. Anti Stun
25. Cloak
26. Clone (more than one body)
27. Enter locked servers
28. Lock other servers with own lock
29. Sounds
30. Headbite all at once in map.
31. Server lagging
32. Server crashing.
thats not all...i have more things. just dont member all of them lol.

..that should do i think. Screenshots from my own forum (http://xsorbit27.com/users5/demons/inde ... opic=103.0)

dont ask about server crash, lagging, entering or locking. ..i wont give any hints about it and i think its not allowed here.
too bad that "xsorbit27.com" doesn't exist anymore. otherwise there you would find posts from early 2003 till 2006, with all our creation. TH wasn't even around avp2 that time.

NOTE - i also found some other stuff, where TH can cry his pathetic eyes out, cuz he never ever reaches so far:
http://z11.invisionfree.com/Federation_United/ < yeah my old good friend XJOONASX in the action :)
he came quite obsessed with avp2 after a while and started owning their sites, ofc TH claimed that he was the one doing it..again.
yes sure, he did it and then links to my forum and puts XJOONASX ?! bragger like him ? would never ever do something like that, he would write his name 10000 billion times on the owned page if he would get one.

On top of all that, if TH is so yber good, then how comes that this punk ass wannabe doesn't know wireframes, invisibility or the latest server crash (that works on ALL patches) ?
answer is simple, he doesn't know them, because he never made anything (maybe he did made mods, i have never made mods, so i cant speak about that, but he never made any of those hacks).

its confirmed, prooved and over. TH is the copycat here, not me, V, M, Medulla or Magic_Maker and calling Luigi Auriemma a noob, was the lamest thing he ever did. without Luigi we would be in stone age with several things :)
If somebody missed it, then TH claimed that he wrote "lithsec" and "lithfp" (which was written by Luigi) and then said that Luigi is noob and known nothing.
in matter of fact, TH is afraid of me, cuz he refused to take a challenge in l4d (even tho he has 716h playtime there), he also refused to give me any messengers (he is afraid that i own his accounts)..or any other details at all.
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Re: Leader of DTH, 24yo TH and still totally retarded kid

Post by TeamRetox »

I rofl'd at his 'i use mah video card for hacks omg im so leeb' xD
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Re: Leader of DTH, 24yo TH and still totally retarded kid

Post by Sethioz »

we all did. so far everybody who have seen this, have asked/told me that is this guy totally stoned or fell from moon (or something like that). he completely ignores every fact that he is idiot and talks 100% bullshit.
specially how me and V got him red handed from lieing about his connection.
i understand that some ppl are liars and just lie on every step, but being a total retard too..
least he could do before lieing about his connection .. he could have checked his own ISP provider site first to see what they offer lol, before telling total crap.
ALSO, i bring out the point where he wanted V to get aim so he can show "how fast he is", which means that he wanted to show his upload, but his ISP's maximum upload is only 5mbits, not 35, even bigger fail.
i guess his mommy and/or daddy bought him a internet connection, because he obviously had no idea what connection he has.

i took a closer look to his ISP and there really isn't any 35mbit connection. also he said mb, not mbit (mbps).
mb refers to megabyte, while mbit refers to megabit (mbps).
im not saying that he does not have 50mbps, sure he may have it, but what im saying is that he had no idea what connection contract he has.

now details:
RI = Rhode Island
when you do whois, you will find it in Warwick, RI 02888.
so i went to cox.net, selected "rhode island" and then "warwick" and there is no 35mb connection.
i added screens below.

+ 50mbit these days is crap. in lot of europe countrys you can get 100mbit up/down for about 25-40 euros a month. so his 35mbit is not even worth bragging about.
Ultimate Internet Overview, High Speed Wideband Internet serving Rhode Island - Cox Communications_1252756440953.png
Ultimate Internet Overview, High Speed Wideband Internet serving Rhode Island - Cox Communications_1252756440953.png (27.79 KiB) Viewed 82475 times Whois lookup - Whois_1252756184609.png Whois lookup - Whois_1252756184609.png (8.03 KiB) Viewed 82475 times
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, 24yo TH and still totally retarded kid

Post by TeamRetox »

fire a long distance rocket to the location shown on the picture for an epic win :P
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, 24yo TH and still totally retarded kid

Post by Sethioz »

oh yeah :) but there is nothing to win .. i really don't get it. does he think he 'won' something in his childish blabla or he just tries to act tough even after he epically failed.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, 24yo TH and still totally retarded kid

Post by Sethioz »

small update without proof, but he knows its true.
before anything, i refer to the 100 places where he said "i dont care", but today he came back AGAIN with about 10 pages of posts in chatbox. i couldnt even bother to read it or make screens of it, because from start it seemed the same shit he already said like 10 times.
usual blablabla, without any proof.
yeah th, whine some more, be the pathetic loser and do the only thing you do best > WHINE

just as i tought, dude have played l4d over 720 hours and he sucks. i played versus mode first time in l4d and i owned him, well not directly him, but i was best survivor and best infected, i could consider it as owned him ?!
reason why i post it, is that this th bratish punk has "bettar than the best?" on his steam profile, i'd say it should be "worse than the worst!" instead. ok lets not overreact like he does, ive seen worse players, but he is surely not good, better than common noobs, but FAR from being pro.
also in my whole life i have played about 50h of l4d, not more. well maybe 100h, but i doubt. i absolutely do not like this game, but i just wanted to see if its brag or he really is good.
NOTE - he will ofcourse deny it and it's understandable, because i was not using my name there, otherwise he would have had ran away.
ill shadow him around few more time in future with some different steam accounts and make some nice screens :) ..but as i said i rarely play l4d, its game for idiots. they should add a big flashing red text on screen when you see enemy "ENEMY!!! SHOOOT SHOOT SHOOOOT NOW !!! PRESS YOUR MOUSE 1 KEY NOW !!" < this is only thing missing from l4d to turn it totally into game for retards. i guess thats why he is so obsessed with this game.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

hey i met this guy in left 4 dead 2 about 15 days ago, i joined his scavenge game and raped the shit out of him then he started to get butthurt like a little faggot and accuse me of hacking/aimbotting. after couple mins of raping his ass in the game i dediced to take a break from the game, he then added me and started saying shit to me, since i love internet drama too much i decided to follow his conversation, the conversation went for about 3-4 hours. i only managed to copy and save this little segment. sorry for my english, it is not my main language.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

Android ?¹7: typical spic u are.
Antero: hi
Android ?¹7: ur record sucks compared to mine
Antero: how do you know cheerio?
Android ?¹7: u get that hack like 3 days ago?
Android ?¹7: im checkin ur stats right now and i cant see how ur saying ur better than me when u dont even have the expeience to say ur better..
Antero: wanna join my live stream retard?
Android ?¹7: i got more wins in everything ur bad in.
Android ?¹7: i dont care what u do.
Android ?¹7: lol
Android ?¹7: check out my group called iown.
Android ?¹7: theres people just like u that do the same things u do..
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

Android ?¹7: make rage blogs about me cause i caught them hacking or cheating...
Antero: what do they do?
Android ?¹7: lol
Antero: wow
Antero: listen kid
Android ?¹7: ur such a fraud.
Android ?¹7: and a spic.
Antero: 1 day ago i saw this awesome player called "Blocked"
Android ?¹7: everythign about ur page screams spic.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

Antero: im following what he does
Antero: Covering spawns from the roof = smart
Android ?¹7: u aimbotted.
Antero: runners like you are fucking retarded
Android ?¹7: theres nothing that u can say that will change what i know.
Android ?¹7: ive seen ur hack before, i used it when it came out on left 4 dead 1
Antero: this is entertaining
Antero: i doubt hacks for l4d2 exists right now
Android ?¹7: and u got it from youtube.
Android ?¹7: u can keep saying that, but 4 people wanted to vote lobby to get u out.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

Antero: lol so you pretty much saying you used hacks
Antero: i can report that shit
Antero: and get you banned
Android ?¹7: i have used hacks before. yeah.
Android ?¹7: ive turned alot of em in too.
Android ?¹7: thats why ur gonna banned shortly
Antero: ok
Android ?¹7: ull find out real fast who i am.
Android ?¹7: so tell all ur friends, act like this is nothing. lol.
Android ?¹7: google my name, technological hatred.
Antero: umm
Antero: explain to me
Antero: if im using an aimbot
Antero: why am i missing shots?
Android ?¹7: cause ur video card sucks
Android ?¹7: and its about 3 years old.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

Antero: GOD
Android ?¹7: and ur using some duo core shit.
Android ?¹7: and ur frames jump high to low.
Android ?¹7: probly running a compaq.
Android ?¹7: or a dell.
Android ?¹7: ur computer barely meets spec
Antero: how old are you
Android ?¹7: doesnt matter at this point bro.
Android ?¹7: ur in some trouble now.
Antero: how old are you?
Android ?¹7: u can joke to ur 40-50 friends that u have...
Android ?¹7: they will all know how fuckin bad u fucked up lol.
Android ?¹7: anyone associated with u is gonna have problems.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

Antero: what you gonna do?
Android ?¹7: ull see.
Android ?¹7: i make 250K a year bro.
Android ?¹7: u dont even wanna know what i can do.
Antero: hahahahahahahahahahaha
Antero: i wish steam would save chatlogs
Android ?¹7: go for it.
Android ?¹7: other people have.
Android ?¹7: just google this name and search lol
Android ?¹7: ur like the 1000th known hacker to me lol
Android ?¹7: and pretty soon everyoens gonna know u.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

Antero: ok
Antero: what do i google
Android ?¹7: i have a forum thats just for this..
Android ?¹7: technological hatred.
Android ?¹7: i made the source to what u use.
Antero: k lemme see what that shit means
Android ?¹7: u use helios framework.
Antero: never heard of that
Antero: i just youtubed that shit
Antero: and found some BFH hakcs
Android ?¹7: right bro.
Antero: didnt see shit about l4d2
Android ?¹7: ur obviously not familiar with the steam forums.
Antero: brb googling your name
Android ?¹7: ur gonna be known there though
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

sorry for breaking the convo into various posts, for some weird reason it wont let me post the whole thing

so he makes 250k$ a year, and he says shitty video card makes aimbots miss shots.

he also said other nonsense shit like his IQ is 160+ and that he owns some kind of big busisness in Rhode island or something liek that i dont remember.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

lol i know. this is why i posted this into hall of retards. he thinks he is so smart, but he knows nothing. like this :
and he says shitty video card makes aimbots miss shots.
..i would like him to explain how video card has anything to do with aimbot lol. aimbot uses game's memory to aim, not video card. you can take video card out of pc and play blindly with aimbot haha and still shoot into heads.

truth is that this guy is just a crackhead, smoking his weed all day. his brain is just turning into a mushroom. so he keeps saying shit. whenever somebody owns him, he says that this somebody is hacking and blabla.
he cant admit that there are way better players.
this is why he stole all of my credits and claimed that he made it all.
like saying that he can hack games with video cards hahaha, he really has some thing for video cards, next he says that his pc only has video card and he hacks with it and its nano and stuff lol.

also if you google technological hatred, then all it shows is this post here and the post on MPC forum, there is nothing more about this faggot. he is just talking shit and EVERYBODY knows that, well besides him.

him talking about you getting banned, well even a donkey should know that VAC2 is automatic and you CAN NOT report any hacks. well you can, but you would have to have this hack and you can send to them for analyzing, but you CAN NOT report hacker in game. so this is just total bullshit he talks, like always. he should be awarded with the "most retarded person of the year 2009/10" :)
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by V »

I don't understand why does he even care if anyone hacks or not, it's not like he could do anything to stop them anyway. If i got banned, pff I couldn't care less. peace! Happy New Year!
Last edited by V on Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

because he is an idiot. he wants to be the best, but only by banning good players and blaming them in hacking.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by TeamRetox »

Only way an aimbot would fail because of your video card would be when you have one of the latest VIP hacks(some run on your GPU to speed up the floating point calculations)
But then again, that wouldn't cause alot of shots to miss unless he uses the shittiest aimbot ever(most aimbots nowadays have fps, ping and bulletspeed compensation)
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

if you guys think that this guy is seirously brain damage, then get a load of that:

today i was talking to Ileostomy when he started to spam me on skype, TH been spamming my chatbox with nonsense for 2 days straight by now, guess he has nothing else to do.
so he kept calling...finally we accepted him into convo.
when i said something and then ileostomy, he was like .. and wtf you at the background LOL. he is/was so dumb that he didn't even realize that he was invited into a convo. he tought he is talking to me and that somebody is talking at background duh.

Ileostomy recorded the chat too, it was just hilarious, he was talking to himself, asked and answered witout taking a breath.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by SCFAdamVcG »

whats he getting all flustered about again?? haha he's like have a fit over nothing .. perhaps dth should meet the greek hacking team (no im not in it) , then they'd really see whos the boss.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

im telling you folks, you ppl gonna laugh over this convo, he made a total cloun out of himself and then saying that he will put this up on youtube, calling us noobs. go ahead TH, ppl will only laugh at you, but im sure you will allow only comments if you approve them and then you let your friends to post comments, otherwise they would say that you are retarded.
yeah, Adam was in that convo too. so hurry up Ileostomy :) rar em and mail me, or send in msn when im online.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

... ? i think this guy deserves the 1st place in this sub-forum, therefore i make it sticky.
he tried to call me back yesterday, but i wasn't online, he couldn't even see it i guess, that im not online, anyways he called and it went into my voicemail, but he was too dumb to notice it, so he accidently left his mic on lol, when he was doing his weird sounds there.
i recorded it and uploaded, most of it is silence anyways, but this is exactly how his brain looks like inside, empty.

> TH noob trying to figure out how to use skype <
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

what is his Skype name?
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Ritterkreuzträger »

Course, i havent got any relation to it, but i "like" how he is talking: "You a virgin, you haveng got friends and girls(Esepcially girls because in real life you are nothing more than pimply nerd), you dont have a life" etc. This style is commonly used by hang upped boys whome cant give any real fact and all what they can do - whilisting about their own complexes =)
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

This style is commonly used by hang upped boys whome cant give any real fact and all what they can do - whilisting about their own complexes =)
indeed. this kind of ppl are trying to insult others, because they think it makes them less of a retard and loser, but im sure that everybody who reads this (exept himself) agrees that it makes him look/sound even bigger loser and idiot, before i actually tought that he knows how to use a memory tool, but now im having doubts, from the last skype convo it seems that he doesn't even know how to start a computer and shut it down.
i mean cmon, how dumb one have to be in order not to notice that he/she is invited into a convo and also not to notice who is talking (in skype, just look at the fucking flashing icon lol).

i think he just owned himself
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

when is the convo being posted?
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

dont know, ask Ileostomy. he said he will record them with mic from phone, cuz he cant get files off of his phone.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

here are the audio files, they not all tho.
me and Ileostomy was talking when TH started to harass me with the calling, so i had to add him into the convo, this place is not on the audio, but moron didn't even notice that he is in the convo lol, he tought that Ileostomy is talking at background.

in other convo you can also hear SCFAdamVcG and his bro Hoodlum.
well its up to ppl to decide what they think.
i think he needs to stop talking to himself, i was abrely able to say a word, he was just blablablablabla. asking and asking and asking, but never shuts up lmao.

convo 1
convo 2
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Ileostomy »

@ first , Son of an very unclear confusing shit SECOND page wich is only detectable through a fucking little white square in upper right corner !!!

Second , yeah it was so funny , If u are to lasy or sceptic to dl the audio PLEASE do it... it won't be a mistake, it was REALY funny
TH asked 1000questions in 1 second and didn't even give time to answer because he was a affraid of our answers :)
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

Convo 1
6:59 "how can i say anything if you keep going blahblghblghblghblgh" god damn this is way too funny, this guy is such a clown.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

i guess everybody who reads this knows :)
i wonder if he actually knows that he is a total moron and ppl are laughing at him because he is such an retarded noob or he really thinks and belives that he is such a hotshot. usually ppl like him just want to look good, but they actually know they are idiots, so they just try to look tought with their bluff and crap.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by TeamRetox »

Why the fuck is he talking about a KF hack? XD
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by V »

Can you guys give it a rest already? How long are you gonna yapp around this TH topic, this is yesterdays news already :)
Last edited by V on Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by TeamRetox »

V wrote:Can you guys give it a rest already? How long are you gonna yapp around this TH topic, this is yesterdays new already :)
Now now V, no need to protect your buttbuddy ;)
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by V »

That's right I'm protecting you my sweetheart, from TH's wrath, can't let anything bad happen to you now can I?
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by TeamRetox »

V wrote:That's right I'm protecting you my sweetheart, from TH's wrath, can't let anything bad happen to you now can I?
As if TH would be capable of doing anything 'bad', besides making us have a laugh at his 'badassness'
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

lol indeed, if he would be capable of doing ANY of the things he said he can, he would do them, not just yap around like a lil noob he is. ..yes AGAIN he have spammed chatbox, can't even bother to read.

one more thing, now he started to spam my youtube too, with his OLD account, which is ridiculous !!!
its like 2 years old account and only 94 channel views LMFAO !!! that is simply PATHETIC. he just owned himself...showed us that he is biggest loser ever. he was like whoooaaaah ! i have posted so many videos on youtube, well he may say "i deleted them" but if that would be true, he would have 9000 channel views at least, not 94 LOL. so simply it means he have never had any videos, because he is loser and imposter and can't make any.

YouTube - TEKHATRED's Channel_1266353441937.png
YouTube - TEKHATRED's Channel_1266353441937.png (13.88 KiB) Viewed 79131 times
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Suicidal Looney »

So i've heard the audio files and seen alot of the logs, i was most impressed with the graphics card hack
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

btw at end of the audio file, which i posted first. the one where the moron didn't know how to use skype. one where he kept his mic on for 10 mins and didnt even know it (it ended only cuz voice mail max lenght is 10.00min). at end of this audio file, you can actually hear his mom or somebody calling and saying "hi dan, im driving" or hi sam. so it means that during those calls, that noob was actually in car with his mom or something. you can also CLEARLY hear the highway sound, when car is driving. somebody most have had open a window. listen the audio. here's the link again for ppl who cant bother to search for it from previous posts.

> TH noob trying to figure out how to use skype <
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

he changed his steam name to Bluesummers, his profile is http://steamcommunity.com/id/killer_god
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

TH you pathetic noob, you are sitting here 24/7, just to see if somebody updates anything.
that profile doesn't exist, so it means he is really sitting here 24/7. so when he saw that somebody posted it, he changed it. poor pathetic noob lol.
he was like all, whoooooohooo Sethioz is gonna change his site cuz he got owned by me, but it seems he is the one chaning his profiles and names lmao. he just embarresed himself too much here.
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by watever1234 »

yeah, this scrub is definitely watching the thread, he went back to his normal one http://steamcommunity.com/id/no17
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by Sethioz »

where did you came across with this moron ?
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others stuff

Post by XZ-01 »

This is quite sad ...
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Re: Leader of DTH clan, TH who credits himself for others st

Post by Sethioz »

why is sad ? i tought you hate the poor bastard ?! .. didnt he fuck up some things for you ? and also claimed that he made the stuff you did ? he keeps stealing others stuff. he even said that lithsec and lithfp are made by him LOL, when it clearly says made by Luigi Auriemma in tool.
its not sad, its pathetic, he embaressed himself so much in here, everybody who read are laughing at him. he is just liar and noob and full of himself.
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