Windows 10 - is it worth it? or is it a spyhole?

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Windows 10 - is it worth it? or is it a spyhole?

Post by Sethioz »

I installed windows 10 on my other SSD to test it out, my first thoughts were good, but then trouble started.
It spies on your EVERY step, it connects to internet "randomly" and downloads tons of data ... LAGGGING the shit out of your network without any prior notifications. it does shit on its own.
I installed it on other pc to test it out and that piece of shit downloaded nvidia drivers + installed WITHOUT my permission ... drivers what i will shortly UNINSTALL anyway ...

It's a piece of gayhole if you ask me. It has nice features, but microsoft need to learn to respect people's privacy. It pokes into every hole it can. Even tho i had windows updates already disabled, it secretly still downloads shit.

but on a good side, these features can be handy, i'd just like to see a notification or option to turn it OFFFFFFFFF.
It does prompt for some stuff, for example i tried running java based program and it instantly offered to download java, it opens a site and i can easily download. same with .NET ... i have no idea why win 10 don't have proper .NET tho, that's retarded. even win 7 has .NET installed.

So all in all, it has great features, seems faster, but it spies on every step. it needs some sort of ultimate tweaker to disable all that spy shit, then it can be quite good i guess, but for now ... i won't be using it as primary.
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Re: Windows 10 - is it worth it? or is it a spyhole?

Post by siab »

Windows 10 is another shitty OS shat out by Microsoft because they have a monopoly in the OS market and they know the dumbass sheepish consumers won't give a shit about anything they do, which is why they keep screwing them over. Yeah it fixed things like the God awful start menu, but in addition to its botnetass features, it doesn't let you disable certain updates! It fucking FORCES them! Don't want a useless update? Update giving your systems problems? TOO BAD! The sheeple buying PCs with this pile of shit won't care and Microsoft knows it which is why they will continue to cut your freedom, release, by release.
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Re: Windows 10 - is it worth it? or is it a spyhole?

Post by Sethioz »

actually win 10 is good, you just have to disable all the stupid services and features that spy on you, then it's decent.
I have AIDA64 running and it doesn't download/upload anything on the background, just had to disable some stuff.

In fact win10 is faster than win7 and win8, it takes 19-21 seconds to boot up, would get it down to 17 without encrypted SSD. maybe even 15.
That's a performance that even win xp can't beat, well maybe it can actually, if i would customize the xp installation and put it on SSD and main PC, it would prolly boot in 10 secs.

However i hate the fact that it has no safe mode, well it does, but whole point of safe mode is to have it when OS fails to boot, but only way to boot into safe mode on win 10, is to do it within win 10 itself, so if it fails to boot, there's no way to boot into safe mode anymore. that's idiotic and senseless, no idea what microshit was thinking when doing that. What is the point of having a "fail safe" if it only works BEFORE anything fails LOL. fail safe should kick in after the primary system fails, but win 10 has it backwards. when your win10 fails, then there's no way to use safe mode anymore.

but in general, i recommend win 10, just HAVE to disable some stuff or it's completely useless. it keeps installing drivers that i don't want, so i must disable them. you must disable auto updates or it keeps rebooting at random moments ..etc.
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Re: Windows 10 - is it worth it? or is it a spyhole?

Post by siab »

I haven't thought on Winblows 10 deeply until recently. I tried to downgrade to 10 from 7 in a virtual machine but it blocks the online product keys I used. Does anyone know a good keygen program for Winblows? I searched online and it is all scamming adware. If all else fails though I could torrent a cracked version. Anyways I looked up their botnet features, and while yes you can disable most of them, you can't remove them all and Shitsoft will still log data and send it to them without your permission. As a matter of fact, through "updates", Shitsoft is trying to force their telemetry bullshit from Winblows 10 to Winblows 7 and 8 users. Thankfully anyone with half a brain just will deselect the "update" and move on.
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Re: Windows 10 - is it worth it? or is it a spyhole?

Post by Sethioz »

I tried to downgrade to 10 from 7
Going to win 10 from win 7 is upgrade, not downgrade lol

Anyway, look for Windows 10 Re-Loader by R@1n. Naturally it will give some virus alerts as microsoft doesn't want anyone use it, but if you get it from trusted source, it will work perfectly fine.
In fact i've attached one to this post, I've used it myself and it works fine, however at some points it needs to connect to internet and verify something, if you deny, it will still come up with activation. I think it was "KMS Connection Broker", however I blocked it after it activated and been fine for months.

As about the spy part, by default you can't block everything, but is it really so hard to get a firewall that blocks things? I'm using "Windows 10 Firewall control", It's free and works great, i can block everything that tries to connect.

Windows 10 Re-Loader - Pass for archive is passy-2932KDSO-329@(#lls-e
[email protected]
(1.33 MiB) Downloaded 1141 times
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